I have read so many posts on this and other sites by jw's & their defenders(silentlambs.org for one) where so much hate & vitriol is directed at those who are'nt doing a damn thing except disagreeing /questioning their policies. When they are supposedly taught all this love & junk, why are they so hateful?
Why do JW's get so pissed off w/ anyone who disagrees w/ them?
by avishai 14 Replies latest jw friends
Victorian sky
I think it's fear. The GB can't afford to doubt themselves and don't want to give up their power. Most JW's would freak out if they realised that their religion isn't the holy grail. Because believe me, when you figure out it's not the truth it initially hurts like hell. So for many, ignorance is bliss and how dare people trouble the waters by questioning and doubting the 'truth'!
avi...when I asked my father over the phone not to take my kids to the hall you know what he said?....."Oh Yeah!? What are you gonna do about it?!!"...No explanation about bearing witness, no loving concern or respect of my wish as a parent...none of that just threatening overtones...I'm thinking that its just like a pressurized bottle...the more you shake and raise the internal pressure the closer it gets to popping w/vitriolic goodness...
District Overbeer
Oh yeah, how did that situation work out w/ yer kids, Valis? Man, that's gotta be tough, my dad is dead, & I helped pull my mom outa that crappy cult. So I don't know what your going thru, but I for one think, if I was asked "What are you gonna do about it?" The response I would have the hardest time stifling, would be" Oh, I dunno pop, kick your ass?" But the response I would probably give would be, "How about never letting you see your grandkids again for circumventing my headship over them?
Gosh, golly gee, that Cognitive Dissonance must be vibrating their noggins so violently, they forgot to be 'nice'.
avi...Jehover didn't waste any time in spirit directing the mother of my kids from telling my mom that she probably won't be seeing the kids for a while if indeed my parents can't get around their "matters of conscience..." It is no secret that times when they are off, I am off, and the kids are available, all center around things like holidays. Which BTW they gladly take off and get paid for...they are not the only ones that reach a bubbling point sometimes...at least I know what real tollerance is...it helps after 17 years of basic intollerance for everyone else and their beliefs.
District Overbeer
JW`s will speak volumes about truth..JW`s rarely speak the truth..JW`s sure the hell don`t want to hear the truth..They don`t like to confuse the issue with facts,LOL!...OUTLAW
From the hate-mail section of an ex-Mormon site
The Mormon religon has done nothing to you, maybe some one offended you that is LDS but just remeber no one is perfect and some Mormon people do have their faults, but that doesn't mean that you should take it out on the religon.
im just wondering why you say things about the church in the way you do. the people are not perfect, and i hope you havent come accrossed anyone that thinks they are because they are members. it is ironic how you say on this sight the church against other religions and that they exclude people, in away your site does just that
And why isn't there a not a baptist.com, not a lutheran.com, not a catholic.com. You criticize and degrade Latter Day Saints so much and yet you know so little about the truth...I am truely disgusted by you people after all the wonderful and truly spiritual experiences I have had after being baptised and becoming a member...why you would waste your time and effort on degrading us so badly. If you would actually read the bible you would see such virtues as love thy neighbor and do unto others as they would do unto you.
Just one question, in what demented dream world did you get this crap from? If you can not tell that this whole site is fucked up, then you must be the stupidest person in the world. I would just like to add that i am not a mormon, and i have nothing against them, but this whole site is shit, you can't even spell. Go to hell.
There are many more just like this. Cultists are all the same. "How dare you insult my mommy!!!!"
As a JW,, you really think you are in the "TRUTH" and you are right.....you can't even think that everything you have learned could be wrong....
*LOL* speaking of payback the mother of my child goes to the mormon church, because she has lots of friends there in a very small community..well the community she manages has some JWs and they tried to give her some litterature...eheheh...she said "wait right here..I have something for you too"...*LOL* she brought them back a cheesy Mormon book and they all had a good laugh...eheh tit for tat indeed..
District Overbeer