If you could speak to your former self, what would you say?

by LoveUniHateExams 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LoveUniHateExams

    If you, knowing TTATT, could go back in time and speak to your former JW self, what would you say to wake yourself up from the WT religion?

    I would speak to my unbaptised publisher self. At that stage, I believed. I thought I had answers for creation vs evolution, blood transfusions, shunning and accusations of 'cult' - so none of those would be any good. I didn't find out about the paedophile issue until after I was baptised, so I'd definitely speak about that.

    Children don't deserve to be abused, groomed or sexually approached in any manner. They are vulnerable people, and any allegations of child abuse should be reported to the police, regardless of whichever state you live in. I think the paedophile problems of the WTS would be the only thing that would have woken me up before I took the step of baptism.

    What about you? What would you say?

  • someDUDEinAsmallCubicalSomewhereOverTheRAINBOX

    Back in HS -

    "It's all a lie. Tap as much booty as you can, because once you get out of school it's a helluva lot harder to tap dat a**"

  • running_away

    "always check for the reviews of other customers and ex customers"

  • TheLiberator

    What would you do, if you allowed your son, daughter, or wife to die, due to not allowing blood transfusions, and then you discover TTATT a year later?

  • blondie

    Knowing what I know I would go back to my inactive 19 year old self and say to keep my good federal job, sign up for college, and never talk to my family again; keep my friends at work and make even more.

    But would I listen...maybe....

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    That kick in the guts feeling you got in 1995 in your mid 20s while sitting thru the watchtower study when they changed the generation teaching, yeah that one, you should have listened to that feeling real close and got off your arse and done proper research like you intended to do,not that superficial effort you made and then quickly decided it was too much effort and sucked up your doubts again.

    Oh and dont get baptised age 16 thinking you know it's the "truth" when you haven't made any real effort outside of the cult propaganda to make that decision with all of its heavy ongoing consequences.

  • BluesBrother

    I wish I had been told to .... STOP & Think ! Do not accept that they must know better than you, trust yourself and your gut instinct. Your judgement is as sound as anybody else's....

    Read all you can about this organization ,from supporters and detractors. Do not dismiss the opposing view without careful thought . No matter what the family consequences , if you decide against it - RUN like Hell !

    Sadly , in the days when I was young there was no internet and it was much harder to find alternative views on The Society . Not many of us would have been prepared to seek out and buy a book.

  • Vidiot

    "Shoot them...

    Shoot them all..."

  • slimboyfat
  • azor

    The liberator that almost happened to me. Thank goodness I live in the U.S. and they take custody rather than allowing that to happen.

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