This is not about keeping informed with the right sources, this is about not being informed at all!
No offense, but, well, DUH!
The WTS, by leaps and bounds, wants its adherents to not be informed.
JWs are conditioned to accept that any & all negative reports about the WTS are based on misinformation at best, but more likely a result of direct Satanic attack. JWs are taught that all negative reports are, by definition, false.
A parallel recent theme to this "all negative reports are lies" stuff is that "Jesus didn't spend his time defending himself against slander, so neither should we".
So, when those "false" negative news reports come out, and JW.Borg does not comment on them, well, they're just being "Christlike" in ignoring them.
These guys are morons, but they are uncannily sharp in deflecting criticism of themselves.