the horrible rendering of John 17:3
I still can't get over how this monumental doctrinal change slipped past virtually all JWs without even a peep or murmur.
For decades - many decades - basically 1950 - 2013 - every, I mean every, baptism talk outlined the "steps to qualify for baptism".
Step number 1 was always "taking in knowledge" (as the old NWT put it), which of course meant a sit-down, hour-a-week, question and answer "Bible study".
Three times a year for 60+ years at baptism talks, plus countless WT articles, plus every study book....John 17:3 meant "getting head knowledge", studying a WT publication with a JW to get a mental understanding of God.
Not "knowing" God - no, no! That was the pagan-inspired Babylon the Great that mistranslated John 17:3 - it wasn't "knowing", oh no - it was "taking in knowledge" - a purely intellectual emotionless exercise.
Then one day in October 2013, bam!
From that minute onward, John 17:3 was "knowing" - you have to know God as a person, develop a "relationship" with him, etc. It's so much more than mere head knowledge! It's personal!
There was no WT study article explaining this change, there was no convention talk, there was no "Questions [we made up but we pretend they are] From Readers" on it - nothing. Just a complete 180 degree flip flop on a core fundamental teaching.
And now, just like Airstrip One has always been at war with Eurasia (or was that Eastasia), John 17:3 has always meant "knowing", not "taking in knowledge".