...and thus these various highly violent "games", that we see our young children playing on their computers. It gets more and more realistic as far as the blood and gore. Still, nothing like the real thing.
War is NOT a game, it's serious business. The person killed, does not then get up and walk away. No matter how hyped up the war machine becomes, it is still made up of human beings and the bottom line is that it's to get the adrenalin going in those that serve, for the purpose of killing other human beings. Both sides lose. Those that survive without a mark are truly few and far between. What about those who lose an eye, an arm, a leg, which doesn't "grow back"? What about the innocents who have been unable to flee? This is the face of war and its ugly.
My father fought hand to hand combat in WWII overseas and the resulting emotional damage to mind and the physical damage to the body was something he carried with him until the day he died.
With all of this in mind, I'm thinking about how the early "christians" murdered and plundered to take what they wanted, because "their god was the true god and they had a right". Things really haven't changed all that much..just a few more gods around.