White House warns Americans of casualties

by William Penwell 31 Replies latest social current

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Bush says there will be causalities and terrorist retaliation. Duh, Isn't that what the rest of the world being saying all along?? Read the link below.

    "Americans ought to be prepared for loss of life," spokesman Ari Fleischer ( news - web sites ) said as Bush's 8 p.m. EST deadline neared for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein ( news - web sites ) to leave his country or face war.
    The president, who warned Monday that terrorists might retaliate for a U.S. attack on Iraq, promised that a war spending bill soon going to Congress would include money to help communities combat and respond to terrorism


  • DakotaRed

    Like anyone didn't expect casualties or attempts at retaliation? Do we hide out and do nothing out of fear of terrorists? If they succeed in getting everyone to cower, where does it stop? Could it eventually get to where they demand your women wear Burkas and stop going to school too and stay home and be third class citizens with no voice or vote?

    If any of you want to hide under your beds and give in to terrorists thinking you will be safe, go right ahead, you won't be. The only way to be safe is total annhilation of terrorism and not giving in to their demands. And, yes, I also believe it applies to the IRA and American White Supremacist groups.

    It's not always a pretty world, but could be much worse with Saddams eventually calling the shots for all of you. Giving in to terrorists out of fear of reprisals could result in that very scenario.

  • WildHorses
    If any of you want to hide under your beds and give in to terrorists thinking you will be safe, go right ahead

    Hiding is one thing I do not intend on doing. If they do attack us, so be it. At least I will die fighting for my life and the life of my kids.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    No one says to hide under your bed and there is no problem with using appropriate force to deal with terrorists. I know I would deal with an intruder with what appropriate force is necessary. What I am referring to is escalating the violence. We know there is some people that don't like us but why is that? But I hate dealing with this "shoot em up" mentality of the NRA. Seems like that is the answer for every problem in this TV society of today. If you have a difference just kill them. I thought this went out with the 19 century.


  • Sentinel

    ...and thus these various highly violent "games", that we see our young children playing on their computers. It gets more and more realistic as far as the blood and gore. Still, nothing like the real thing.

    War is NOT a game, it's serious business. The person killed, does not then get up and walk away. No matter how hyped up the war machine becomes, it is still made up of human beings and the bottom line is that it's to get the adrenalin going in those that serve, for the purpose of killing other human beings. Both sides lose. Those that survive without a mark are truly few and far between. What about those who lose an eye, an arm, a leg, which doesn't "grow back"? What about the innocents who have been unable to flee? This is the face of war and its ugly.

    My father fought hand to hand combat in WWII overseas and the resulting emotional damage to mind and the physical damage to the body was something he carried with him until the day he died.

    With all of this in mind, I'm thinking about how the early "christians" murdered and plundered to take what they wanted, because "their god was the true god and they had a right". Things really haven't changed all that much..just a few more gods around.

  • Realist


    you fail to realize that there is always good a REASON for terrorism. what bush does is not eliminating that reason but enhancing it (but that is probably what he wants anyway).

  • ashitaka

    I intend to hide......it's a good way not to die.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Any Terrorist harms a member of my family or friends of mine, pro-war people better watch themselves.

  • dubla
    you fail to realize that there is always good a REASON for terrorism.

    why dont you just justify 9/11 why youre at it? these types of comments make me sick.

    what bush does is not eliminating that reason but enhancing it

    this is such a tired argument. these terrorists think they have a mandate from allah to wipe americans and jews (and american jews, lol) off the face of the earth. this mandate does not get stronger with provocation, nor would it subside if we did nothing. what the attack on iraq does do, is gives them a different and new excuse to come after us......but without the attack on iraq, they would simply use one of their old excuses (occupation of the holy land).......their mission will not end, regardless of our actions.


  • dubla
    Any Terrorist harms a member of my family or friends of mine, pro-war people better watch themselves.

    yeah, because without the war the terrorists would no doubt hang up their guns and call it quits. wake up people. aa

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