Were Conventions, Asemblies and the Memorials boring to you?

by HereIgo 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Landy
    On the whole I liked conventions, because, for a young person, I was strangely interested in things like four-part symposiums on the prophet Habakkuk and new light on Daniel's prophecy and so on girls
  • sparrowdown

    They were so boring I would volunteer to do a few shifts at "mothers and babies" and also volunteer for the restroom cleanup crew - now that's the sort of I'm so bored I'm talking about here the "I'd rather be in the company of even more bored crying small children and clean dirty toilets bored!"

    Next phase was "just shoot me, shoot me now."

    If total mental breakdown occurred I entered into the silly bored phase then a great game to play at big conventions is too roll up tiny pieces of torn paper and see how many you can sit on top of the person's head in front of you before they shake their head. I think my friend and I got to about 5 it also helps if the person has big hair.

    Yes, sessions were f***ing boring. Pre-sessions were vacuous, tedious "you're so vain" style meet and greet social torture.

  • punkofnice

    when I had a family, before the watchtower mind control destroyed it when I left the cult, I'd take the kids for a walk around the arena or whatever venue, to alleviate the constipational boredom.

    We even missed the costumed drama. By costumed drama, I mean where some of the 'in crowd clique, goody two shoes, family of elders', would dress up in bed sheets and wave their arms around like windmills whilst trying to mime to American accents. We're British for eff's sake. couldn't they do a recording in our native accent? We've seen enough American stuff each time we turn on the bloomin' TV.

    Check out the Clash - I'm so bored with the USA.

    Nothing against my lovely American cousins (I have US family, too), but there comes a time when hearing your own accent sits better. No wonder people there for the first time think it's 'just an American religion'. Well, it is, but that's beside the point...........

    Rant over. As you were. Everything is fine here! Buddy!

  • doofdaddy

    I found "conventions" mind numbingly and stunningly boring for 20 yrs. What was I doing intellectually?

    Asleep to avoid personal responsibility for changing my life, that's what....

  • punkofnice

    Doof - I agree with you.

    I took notes. then, upon reading the notes, I realised they didn't say anything useful apart from 'do as we say' and 'do more, you unworthy scum'. It wasn't how I'd written the notes either. Most were direct quotes with scriptures. Sometimes, I had no idea how the scripture actually fitted, despite the explanation from the script.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    No wonder people there for the first time think it's 'just an American religion' - yes, agree.

    That makes me remember the 'dramas' - didn't the actors mime the words whilst the sound system played American voices?

    "We've gaht to be faithful to Jehovah Gahd", etc.

    There's obviously nothing wrong with American accents but ancient Israelites and 1st century Christians speaking with American accents? Weird.

  • tiki

    Sleep inducing Pioneer pep talks Saturday afternoons at circuit assemblies....

  • punkofnice

    LUHE - To see Brits miming to American accents was indeed weird. It just proved to me how f***ing lazy the WBT$ was. They couldn't even adjust the spelling and grammar in the dublications to suit other cultures.

    Even their analogies didn't always translate for the UK. I remember a paragraph about 'hazing'. We don't do that in the UK, so that part of the article was irrelevant to us.

    Then there were expressions like 'hunker down'. What the hell is that, when it's at home? Are those weirdos in Brooklyn so myopic that they think everyone out of the U.S. has to speak like an American and understand the meanings? there must be a word for it. I keep thinking of 'racist' but that's not it.

    My conclusion; it's an American religious cult run by ignorant pigs who think everyone has to think like they do. Bleedin' idiots.

  • moley

    The thing I liked most about assemblies was the amount of drinking that went on in the evenings

  • Ding

    Memorials never made any sense to me -- a big push to get as many people as possible to come together to pass bread and wine without anyone ever partaking of any of it.

    Where do you see any instance of that happening in the Bible?

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