And the lion shall eat straw like the ox

by Anony Mous 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Simon

    A vegan lion is a dead lion

    Either animals were "perfectly designed" or they "learned to eat meat from humans" (even more laughable). The idea that they would intentionally starve to death when they could eat vegetation, is crazy. The idea that they evolved so dramatically in a few thousand years is equally incompatible with the bible.

    Like most things biblical, it makes little sense beyond being a fable or parable.

  • blondie

    Yes, Simon, this is one question I could never get a sound scientific answer, just parroted words from the WTS publications. When I started reading the bible from cover to cover, I had so many questions about things in Genesis, I never got to any other books.

  • redvip2000

    I remember when I was studying to be a JW, I had this thought about how many animals are perfectly adapted to eat meat and be hunters. When I asked my bible study conductor why these animals are built to hunt and eat meat he turn to me and said... "you know, sometimes you just have to have faith, and not question everything".

    That should be been my queue to run away quickly.

  • Fisherman

    The notion that something came out of nothing is utter bullocks unless one is deluded by Krauss’s pseudo-science that nothing is something to begin with. In that case,however, something came out of something -call it nothing. Something must be infinite and that is that.

    Given living organisms to begin with and their inherent drive and nature, organisms change and evolve according to empirical science evidence. But the mechanisms and drives and laws and descriptive properties of the universe could not evolve, they must have always existed or created from something; also, substances such as life, consciousness and love and justice and intelligence must always have existed.

    Evolution could not evolve on its own. It is an inherent nature of organisms that causes them to change towards adaption and survival. Take for example organisms living at the lowest point in the ocean or in very harsh or acid environments. But you still need a living organism to begin with and the evolution mechanism in it.

    The tiger is dressed for the kill. TD pointed out that he couldn’t have been naked in Eden up until the flood. So the question is did they have tigers in Eden and what did they actually eat. And what does the Bible say the tigers ate before the flood

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Fisherman: Evolution happens over millions of year for anything as it takes an entire reproduction cycle to make minor changes. Even if you said humans would evolve and that evolution would be guided, we've evolved to be omnivores in over 65 million years.

    The WTBTS and most apocalyptic cults claim that overnight Armageddon happens and within 1 day you're perfect in the flesh unlike most other religions, including true Christians that claim salvation and resurrection happen in the spirit realm.

    The Bible doesn't know anything about tigers because the writers likely never came into contact with even a depiction of one until after the destruction of the temple and exodus to Babylon in 586/587BC where even there they would've been exotic. As far as lions, the Bible doesn't clarify anything about the garden of Eden because it is allegorical, not literal. We do know that God clothed Adam and Eve in animal skins - an inherent reference that the writers expected God to accept the killing of animals for its properties but that is (if you take the Bible literally) diametrically opposed with what Isaiah claims.

    Beyond the direct killers, the entire ecosystems is also built on the fact things die, scavengers, bugs, fertilization most of what you eat today is only possible because of stuff that died yesterday. Again, things the Bible writers wouldn't have a clue about, but nonetheless now have to be taken into account.

  • TonusOH

    Almost any concept regarding the origin of the universe is unintuitive. Can something come from nothing? No one intuitively thinks this, it makes no sense. Could the universe have no beginning, and always just existed? I don't think this makes intuitive sense to us either, the notion that there wasn't a beginning and that the universe extends forever into the past.

    Same for god. How could a being simply always exist and never have a beginning? We can comprehend the notion of something existing forever into the future, once it has begun. We cannot comprehend the notion of something existing forever into the past, with no beginning.

    And yet, here we are. Something (or many things) that is unintuitive to us has to be the case, because the universe exists and we exist. If we give more weight to one of the options without any logical reason to, then we might end up ignoring or rejecting information that gives us reason to assume the other options are possible. Wanting god to be real isn't a path to discovering god, it's a path to inventing him.

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