So is the 2019 point of view saying you must inform or simply call the Branch??
Secret memo to Circuit Overseers "former child abuser" who was elder\MS moved to another congregation
by BottleGate_ 27 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
What this letter is saying is keep any old known transgressions under the lid, particularly if the man is now an elder.
The other piece of information one can draw out of this letter is that even if a man has been charged twice with pedophilia, like Candace Conti's perpetrator has, if the man as lived a clean exemplary life for awhile, he can become an elder.
minimus - "So is the 2019 point of view saying you must inform or simply call the Branch?"
Yup, but it's really just an addendum to the original policy.
That's remained pretty much the same, and the Branch simply reiterates as much to the caller.
Data-Dog - "It could be that in their delusional state, each 'generation' believed the end was close, so there would be strong motivation to 'wait on Jehovah' to weed out the few false Xian’s that were surely at the root of the problem."
This was essentially confirmed to me decades ago by my then-elder Dad, but since I simply assumed he knew what he was talking about, and the fact that he was - at his core - a fundamentally good man, I never really concerned myself with it till decades later.
Finkelstein - "...for a long time the JWs saw pedophilia as sexual misconduct or pornea, in the same view as adultery and fornication, being intentionally dismissive that those social activities are not an unlawful crimes in most countries."
Not quite.
The Org subtly (and sometimes not-so-subtly) connoted child abuse with sexual misconduct and/or "porneia", in order to indirectly downplay its prevalence within the Org, and discourage reporting any alleged instances to "worldy" authorities.
Data-Dog - " could be that the leaders have always known that pedophiles operate in the Org. It’s been revealed that Ted Jaracz might be one, and his name could be on the data-base... he was never removed and even shared in shaping the policies of the Org..."
Weirdly enough, I was both semi-shocked, yet simultaneously unsurprised by this allegation.
Was going through some letters and here is what I found from 2009 boe letters. This is for australia. Just sharing the lines:
'Letters of introduction: Generally speaking, when each elder has had opportunity to read the letter, there would be no need for it to be retained..........
Additionally, any letter of introduction that refers to matters of child abuse should be retained in the confidential file for as long as the accused person remains in the congregation. Should this person move, a new letter should be prepared and sent to the elders in the new congregation outlining the individual's background, current restrictions that apply, what the elders have been doing to protect minors and to assist him, and their present experience with him. In all such cases, a copy of the letter of introduction must be sent to the branch office in a special blue envelope. Any previous letter of introduction held in the congregation's file can then be destroyed.PS to secretary: This letter should be retained in the "AUSTRALIA BRANCH" section of the
congregation's permanent file of policy letters'.Zing