I just watched the final video from this years convention. OMG!!!

by NikL 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • redvip2000

    It really amazes me how watching this garbage from outside is so different. I'm pretty sure at some point in the past, I would have watched this and felt good I was part of the cult.

    It's basically a variation of the bunker video, same fear-mongering tactics. Btw, not sure if you noticed but even some characters from the bunker videos are back, including semi-attractive girl, and also the uber-elder from bunker video was also given a cameo here.

    Well now we know.... right before the big A, JWs will put on their winter coats and drive out of the cities to meet in an old corn field, where they will look at each other and wait for a massive SWAT team to drop whatever crimes they are attending to, and rush toward the field as well, in order to kill a bunch of religious zealots.

    Have no fear though, as as bleached-out Ricky Gervais sporting a shiny new crown, along with hordes of well-rested angels, who evidently were snoozing during the world's famines and suffering, decide to swoop in and save the day.

    Aren't we happy to belong to Jehovah's people brothers? clap! clap! clap!

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Did Kevin make a cameo this year?

  • Diogenesister

    Well if they will keep climbing over the *M.O.D. fences....there are plenty of signs saying " H.R.H. Government property:Keep out". The new recruits have to practice somewhere!

    *British joke

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    When the koolAid is passed-out, many will cometh forth, gulp it down the ice cubes also and want seconds also.

    But seriously though!!!! Hard to watch, stomach.

    This is borderline child-abuse. All those young impressionable minds soaking-up this drivel.

    Someone mentioned earlier ''siege mentallity''. That's exactly it. All the lawsuits popping up, the Borg losing money like crazy, GEEZ

    This final video of the 2018 conventions is just nauseating. This has to eclipse the 2017 pillar of salt videos and the 2016 Bunker videos.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Remember when the first VCR videos came out. They were historical, organizational boosting and Bible story based. Very mundane in nature. From there early beginnings to now we can see the gradualism of how the Borg has ramp them up to pure fictional propaganda trying to scare the people trap in the cult to submission to the cult. This is quite a dangerous turn of events taking place by the wt. It amazes me how the very thing they demonized several years ago on what other religions did they are now in the thick of it today. Was it about five years ago the wt. said there was going to be big changes in how they did things? Will here we are folks. Watchtower on steroids scaring people into submission. Still Totally ADD

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    Did Kevin make a cameo this year?

    He was among those encircling the JWs, weilding a stick and inexplicably sporting a headband.

  • nowwhat?

    If I would to say 20 years ago that the org. Would be producing fear mongering videos that would appeal to the emotions instead of a bible based publication with substance at the so called time of the end, you would say "get behind me Satan!"

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    All this ''seige'' mentality within the last 2-3 years. And something to the effect about obeying instructions at all costs even if they don't make sense from a human standpoint or not!!! Gives you chills, doesn't it!!!

    With the GB mentioning something that they are not inspired or infallible, I just get the chills thinking what could be up their sleeve. I feel for the PIMIs. They could have something on the fly which could cause quite a stir, which is why they say infallible nor inspired.

  • baldeagle

    While it is quite disturbing and very emotionally manipulative, it underscores that the WT leaders are having extreme difficulty in keeping members engaged and active anymore.

    Desperate times call for desperate measures.

  • lastmanstanding

    In the bunker video, there was no salvation, it was left open-ended and there was little room for salvation. No Jesus swooping into the bunker to save the Dubs. That was disturbing to JWs.

    But a ”new & improved” version this year has a happy ending, a swooping Jesus with an arrow.

    I think swooping Jesus is going to need many arrows and there was a big crowd of machine gun toting dubhaters to kill. And who is going to clean up that mess of arrow pierced corpses.

    And what was the bright light for, are the dubs going to heaven?

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