If you had the power ....

by Landy 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Landy

    ...would you choose to ban the JW religion?

    If you wouldn't ban them what, if any, changes would you force upon them?

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Speaking as an atheist I would neither ban nor regulate any religion. Once somebody starts playing that game there begins a slippery slope down to a dictatorship.

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  • WhatshallIcallmyself

    Yes, because I would like to add a bit of excitement to their lives.

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  • Finkelstein

    If you wouldn't ban them what, if any, changes would you force upon them?

    I would enforced a compassionate deprogramming with information to what has intrinsically happened to them and to the reasons why.

    Mind you I would do this to every individual who somehow got involved in highly controlling cults.

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  • Rainbow_Troll

    Persecution only leads to even worse fanaticism.

    I have a strong dislike for most of the Abrahamic faiths (with a few notable exceptions: Anglicans, Methodists, Quakers, and Ahmdiyya Muslims), but instead of banning them, I just choose to disenfranchise them as much as possible.

    I don't do business with known Christians, Muslims, or PRACTICING jews nor would I vote for them in an election. If I owned properties, I would not rent to them and I would not want them to be my employees if I ran a business. Whenever any of them try to preach to me, I strike back with facts and reasons which prove that their particular holy book cannot be the word of God.

    I think this is about all a person can do within the limits of the U.S. Constitution and I would like to keep it that way.

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  • MeanMrMustard

    I am soooo tempted to make them wear their underwear on the outside during service... wow, power corrupts.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    I would enforced a compassionate deprogramming with information to what has intrinsically happened to them and to the reasons why.

    I know where you're coming from Fink but that's still too authoritarian for me. The only thing I would do is to broadcast in public TV everything the public needs know about the religions/organizations they're in or thinking of getting in.

    Broadcasting the ARC videos and others on public TV would be a fantastic way of reaching the public and would demoralize many JWs.

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  • cofty

    No I wouldn't ban them.

    I would want to look at whether elders and MSs could be forced to hold enhanced DBS certificates. Even though they can argue they don't specifically work with u18s they do work with elderly and vulnerable adults.

    I would also want to remove their charitable status on the basis that their child welfare policies and procedures are not fit for purpose.

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  • Simon

    No, I would put things in place to make the system fair - pay tax on non-charitable activities and property for instance, make sure people can't be victimized by their rules (allow right of representation etc...).

    Banning them would serve no purpose - they are there because their is demand for something like them to exist. They cater to a segment of the "want religion" market. If you banned them, someone else would re-invent them or a smaller group would grow into what they were.

    If there was a magic button that would erase the notion of religion from everyone on the planet and every religious artefact, would I press it?

    Sorry ... too busy hammering my "that was easy" button to answer.

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  • just fine
    just fine

    No I wouldn't, because that means I think I am superior to everyone else and my views are the only right ones. (Sound familiar JWs?) I would make it harder for all religions to be tax exempt. I would impose mandatory reporting for all religions and child abuse.


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