I thought this comment was interesting from the LDS
by joe134cd 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
As much as it might pain you.....this is a fact. No smoking. No beer.
I don't claim wikipaedia is infallible, however note Brazil, under Religion:
The 2010 national census reported 226,509 people identifying as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints;[17] This is very different from the church's reported membership, in 2012, of 1,173,533[18] causing some to question the membership numbers reported by the LDS church.[19]
now note JW entry just above.
JW GoneBad
ScottyRex, can I get you to agree/admit that the WTBTS/JWs are a fraud...counterfeit...scam?
JW GoneBad that a...Yes?🤣
you can if you present an intelligent post. But bashing and degenerating for little reason with 'I hate JWs' will not do.
I thought not.
JW GoneBad
Might I remind you ScottyRex what you previously posted...
Despite what is sometimes posted here the Witnesses are conservative in figures they post....and a lot more truthful.
I think you've got some editing to do!🤣