As many of you know, I'm a huge fan of Thomas Jefferson. I'm currently reading a book called "The Portable Jefferson." It has only the briefest of Jefferson's biography (a mere 41 pages), with the bulk of its nearly 600 pages devoted to copies of Jefferson's speeches, and letters. I came across a letter he wrote to then-President James Monroe, and I was (once-again) stunned by the magnificent foresight this man had. The letter was dated October 24, 1823, nearly 180 years ago, and is more of a "prophecy" than anything the WTS has babbled.
These words of 180 years ago are most timely, considering our greatest and longest ally is fulfilling the thoughts of this man made so long ago:
"Great Britain is the nation which can do us the most harm of any one, or all on earth; and with her on our side we need not fear the whole world. With her then, we should most sedulously cherish a cordial friendship; and nothing would tend more to knit our affections than to be fighting once more, side by side, in the same cause. Not that I would purchase even her amity at the price of taking part in her wars. But the war in which the present proposition might engage us, should that be its consequence, is not her war, but ours. Its object is to introduce and establish the American system, of keeping out of our land all foreign powers, of never permitting those of Europe to intermeddle with the affairs of our nations. It is to maintain our own principle, not to depart from it. And if, to facilitate this, we can effect a division in the body of the European powers, and draw over to our side its most powerful member, surely we should do it. But I am clearly of Mr. Canning's opinion, that it will prevent instead of provoking war. With Great Britain withdrawn from their scale and shifted into that of our two continents, all Europe combined would not undertake such a war."
To all you Brits: you are our treasured friends and allies, through the good and the bad, now and forever!
(Sadaam should be getting the message he needed to by now. Too bad he didn't follow the Official French Military Manual and run like hell! )