These stars telling us how we should think and feel about the Iraqi situation have really gotten my goat. Are they so out of touch with reality that they think, because they are rich and have pretty faces, they can speak with any authority whatsoever about world politics and national security? The following link is a bit long but worth the read. Lemme know what you think.
Finally, a person from Hollywood worth listening to.
by Adam 17 Replies latest jw friends
No right wingers would care about what the celebrities said if they were in support of the war. Only because they dare blaspheme against the policies of King George do they draw any ire.
Of course, you could also compile a list of highly educated people who are against the war, or uneducated yahoos who are for the war, so I see no point to that list.
Also, what is the difference between Martin Sheen talking against the war and Sean Hannity talking for it? Neither of them have access to any priveledged information; both are only giving us their opinion. But somehow, Hannity is better because he spews his (mostly silly) opinions on a "news channel". Maybe we should just give Sheen his own "news show", then we can listen to him.
My favorite part:
Yes, it is a wonderful dream to sit down with dictators and terrorists and join hands, singing Cumbaya and talking of world peace. But it is not real. We did not stop Adolf Hitler from taking over the entire continent of Europe by simply talking to him. We sent our best and brightest, with the strength and determination that this Country is known for, and defeated the Nazi regime----Cindy Osborne
Thats the thing that gets me with the anti-war crowd, we spent 12 years talking to Iraq...and it didn't acomplish anything.
Oh....and didnt Alec Baldwin promise to move out of the country if Bush was elected?
I think the thing that makes Bush either stupid or arrogant is that he tries to pass off lies and exagerations to the American people. Either he is too stupid to think that people can't discover his lies or is too arrogant and thinks that by saying these things, he makes them true.
As a couple of examples, CIA worker bees have said that his statements about the threat of Iraq to America have been greatly exagerated. These are the people who obtain the info he makes these decisions from.
Despite evidence showing aluminum tubes are for permissible missle systems, he claims they are for the purpose of developing weapons-grade plutonium. Despite the fact that they were declared for missle use, fit the missle specs, and would have to undergo major modifications to be put to nuclear uses.
Evidence of Saddam trying to obtain nuclear weapons seems to be a hoax too. Supposed Iraqi officials didn't even exist or weren't in those posts at that time.
And no link to 9/11 or al Queda has been proven.
So how can we be expected to pre-emptively strike somebody who does not pose a threat to us?
I sometimes think Bush is an idiot, but then I realize that either he or those that surround him are much smarter than that. They had a plan and are executing it perfectly. That requires intelligence. Since taking office, his administration has managed to strip away our constitutional rights, find a way to kick-start blank-check military spending, destroy legislature designed to save our environment, remove funding to pro-choice groups, hold secret energy strategy meetings, submit tax plans which benefit the wealthy, and is now stirring up enough trouble to keep military spending high and govt. contractors nice and rich for years to come.
No. They're not dumb. Clever like a fox.
Not sure if this was posted already but I got a chuckle from this comment by Jay Leno on current events:
"Counter-terrorism experts say that Osama bin Laden may be hiding secret messages on pornographic websites. You know what that means ... Clinton could find this guy before Bush." - Jay Leno
Crownboy has utterly missed the point. By the way, Cindy Osborne is a celebrity and in support of the war and apparently I (someone I'm sure you would call a right winger though you know nothing about me) care enough about what she's saying to post it here.
JWS, thankfully, has the intelligence to see the point clearly. Though we may dissagree on many points I think we both see that calling the highly educated people in the Bush administration "stupid," especially when you have no education beyond high school and your only credintials are a big bankroll and some acting experience, is, well, stupid.
Also, what is the difference between Martin Sheen talking against the war and Sean Hannity talking for it? Neither of them have access to any priveledged information; both are only giving us their opinion. But somehow, Hannity is better because he spews his (mostly silly) opinions on a "news channel". Maybe we should just give Sheen his own "news show", then we can listen to him.
Uh.........could it be the fact that Martin Sheen flunked his college entrance exam?
Your point mac?
Bush: Dogged by controversy that family friend helped him get Air National Guard spot in Vietnam War.
Bush: Ridiculed after leaked Yale transcripts show his grades, with 100 the top mark, were in the 70s. He spent his time playing intramural sports and schmoozing with frat brothers.
Bush: Keeps scrambling names of foreigners -- "Grecians" for Greeks, "Kosavarians" for Kosavars -- and looked flummoxed when a Boston TV reporter asked him to name four foreign leaders.
Just because someone has a collage degree does not mean they are smart. I know plenty of dumb asses with a degree. My ex boyfriend is one of them.
Bush: saving your ungrateful ass as we speak!!!!!!!!