by adamluis 34 Replies latest forum announcements
Watchtower Library 2015 spanish edition
En español:!z5RRhKBA!bRLAyX9GPuCOntSN2inCdFvYX9z64f33hBymv_yo1GQ -
Someone has in Brazilian Portuguese? thank you -
could you tell me how to download this to my desktop computer? Really do need blow by blow directions. Thank you, Maralee
It's going to be so much easier when all this is online. Then they can change/delete any of it when they please.
The truth will retrospectively get brighter.
Anders Andersen
@WTS Archive: do you have examples of those changes?
I'm still contemplating of starting a project to rip all data from different years of WTlib, and then find all changes (if any).
Or did anyone do that already?
- Click on the "Download" in wifibandit's message.
- You'll then probably get a warning about "No Preview Available" with a "Download" button - click on that.
- You'll then get another warning about Google not being able to scan the file. Click "Download anyway". Depending on your browser, you'll be asked to save the "WTL2015.iso" file to a particular location, or it will automatically save to your default location, usually your users "Downloads" folder in Windows.
- If you're on Windows 8 or 10, you should be able to just double-click on the .iso file in the location where it downloaded to. It should just open the .iso file. If not, it shows up as a new drive (like a CD drive) under "This PC" Devices and Drives.
- Double-click on "Setup.exe" and follow the instructions to install.
- If you're on Windows 7 or worse, then you'll need some kind of program to open .iso files - this gets a bit complex, but I'd suggest something like Microsoft's own Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel which you can download here
Someone has in Russian? thank you -
Here is a LINK for a POLISH version 2015 which I found today
I hope we soon will get more language versions to find here?