One of the 'problems' I had before Blackguard deprogrammed me was I could not reconcile the actions of the J-dud Masters with a loving God. I felt if God was with these people I did not want to live in any New System under this power structure. If God was as phoney, vengeful, and petty a person as His Faithful and Discreet Slave was I was better off dead. I felt He held a death threat over my head, love me or I will kill you. Now I know that thinking is from the heart of the evil false god of the WatchTower Masters and I am at peace with the True God. Did anyone else have a problem with living in a New System under these hypocrites? Maverick
Would you want to live in a Kingdom under the Duds?
by Maverick 21 Replies latest jw friends
Living for an eternity the way the dubs see it after their armageddon IS hell on earth!
if armageddon comes bro farkel and me is gonna build a secret hidout in the mountains and sneak down at night time and steal their women and food
like a thief in the night ..
A householder told me once,"if your the only ones who are going t be there, i'd rather be dead". I was really not all that shocked, i was already sort of feeling that way myself. now i do feel that way.
Big Tex
I don't think anyone can definitively speak for God. Personally I'll wait for the burning bush and let God speak for himself. Meanwhile, I'll do the best I can with this life. I'm just glad to be alive.
Wednesday - "If your the only ones who are going to be there, i'd rather be dead".
Now thats something i could say the next time they come knocking on my door.
I told my honey, "I would slit my throat before I would live on a planet ruled by Elders." As part of my job, I have to attend a fair number of committee meetings. At least I get paid for that, and every meeting has to come to an end sometime. Then I get to go home and relax. What if the meeting never ended? And there was nowhere to go to get away? My ultimate nightmare.
I tried to explain to my honey that his father (a cantankerous, opinionated curmudgeon who would just as soon pinch a nurse as take his pill), whom he adores, would not last two seconds on a world like that. (By the way, the nurses adored him too. Go figure.) As soon as he would get the lay of the land, he would spit on someone's boot, light a cigar, or swear at the first pompous buffoon he could find. Just to get himself zotted out of there.
Reeducation camps with a thousand-year term? No thank you. This has got me so riled up, I am gonna throw out all my skirts and wear pants. And go find a polished boot to spit on.
Apart from the tremors Maverick experienced when I dragged him to a gay bar for a hearty spanking by all the patrons to exorcise his watcher demons, I lay no claim to having deprogrammed him. He deprogrammed himself willingly. The only observable side effect is that he's no longer attracted to women. I don't honesly know if that's a good thing or bad.
I once told that elders that I was not going to the meetings because of the cruelty I experienced from certain attendees every time I was there. They asked if I wanted to be in the new world. I honestly reply, "No, not if the meetings are any indication of what it will be like. I'd rather live a few short years happily than be tortured forever by "loving Christians."" They were shocked! Of course, they weren't being stalked by the "righteous brothers."
Blondie (I finally saw the light)
When my family asked me that, I asked them.... "With you? NO WAY!!"
Answer still holds.