No, I would rather throw myself into a burning dumpster of elephant shit.
Upon learning of a terminal illness would you return to being a JW to appease your family?
by NVR2L8 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've had a few cancer scares which turned out to be false alarms but while waiting for test results I never thought about going back to that destructive cult. My concern was for my daughter and not wanting to leave her on her own. As for appeasing jw family, I don't appease people.
If I was dying, the thought of spending my remaining time in that BS just disgusts me. And would probably take time off of my already shortened life. -
No, I left because my personal integrity, as a lover of Truth, would not allow me to remain in the Tower of Lies. For that reason, and not wishing to waste a highly valuable moment of my life, I would not return.
The other consideration is that such dishonesty would only persuade my J.W family even more that they are in the " true religion" << there's an Oxymoron for you !
Screw those family members who do not care for you as a person but only if you are a jdumb. F###ing Slave-holders.