ANNUAL MEETING LETTER - To Zimbabwe congregations

by The Fall Guy 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy



    PRIVATE BAG WG-5001, WESTGATE, ZIMBABWE TELEPHONE 08677 004 012; 0772 472 403/4

    October 7, 2017


    Re: Annual Meeting Announcements

    Dear Brothers

    In order to put more emphasis on starting Bible studies and to reduce the amount of material that our brothers must read, the Governing Body recently made a number of exciting decisions. These were announced at the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania held on Saturday, October 7, 2017.

     Beginning January 2018, the public edition of The Watchtower will be published three times a year instead of six times a year. The same will be true for the Awake! For example, the first issue of The Watchtower for 2018 will be distributed during January and February. The first issue of Awake! will be distributed during March and April. Each is-sue will focus on just one main subject that will have broad appeal.

     The number of books, brochures, tracts, contact cards, and videos that will be featured in the field ministry is being reduced. Essential literature items and videos that have proved to be effective in the ministry will remain in our Teaching Toolbox.

     Beginning January 2018, specific monthly literature offers will be discontinued. More emphasis will be placed on starting and continuing conversations. Publishers will be encouraged to use good judgement in deciding which item from the Teaching Toolbox to offer and when. Periodic campaigns to distribute Memorial and convention invitations will continue as in the past.

     If the book What Can the Bible Teach Us?, which is the simplified edition of the Bible Teach book, is available in a particular language, then production of the Bible Teach book will be discontinued. Publishers may decide whether to transition Bible students to the Teach Us book now or to complete the Bible Teach book with the student. Until sup-plies of the Bible Teach book are depleted, publishers should continue to offer it to interested persons who show appreciation for the Bible’s message.

     A simplified edition of the book “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love” is being prepared. The new book will be entitled How to Remain in God’s Love. Once this new book is available in a particular language, production of the “God’s Love” book will be discontinued. Publishers may decide whether to transition Bible students to the new book or to complete the “God’s Love” book with the student.

     Encouraging reports about the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses in other lands are now provided regularly by means of JW Broadcasting and Therefore, the Yearbook will no longer be published. When the worldwide field service report for the 2017 service year becomes available, this information will be published in the “About Us” section of

    Re: Annual Meeting Announcements October 7, 2017 Page 2

     The website will continue to publish the features “Activities,” “Bible Questions Answered,” “Frequently Asked Questions,” and “Young People Ask.” In addition, the web-site will regularly publish the features “Help for the Family,” “Imitate Their Faith,” “The Bible Changes Lives,” and “Was It Designed?”

     No new content will be added to the following features on “Bible Character Cards,” “Family Worship Projects,” “Illustrated Bible Stories,” “My Bible Lessons,” “Picture Activities,” “Study Activities for Children,” study guides for What Does the Bible Really Teach?, Young People Ask worksheets, and the video series What Your Peers Say. However, the existing content will remain for now on

    It is hoped that these organizational refinements will help us to focus on our goal of teaching “all those who [are] rightly disposed for everlasting life.”—Acts 13:48.

    We send our warm Christian love.

    Your brothers

    c: Circuit overseers

    Convention Committees Re: Annual Meeting Announcements October 7, 2017 Page 3

    PS to bodies of elders:

    Please arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation at the conclusion of the next congregation meeting. If the circuit overseer is visiting your congregation, he should read this letter at the conclusion of the meeting. At circuit assemblies and conventions, the letter should be read by the last speaker on the program at the conclusion of his talk. Thereafter, the letter should be posted on the information board. This postscript should neither be read to the congregation nor be posted on the information board.

    Congregations will soon receive their supply of issue No. 1 of the 2018 public edition of The Watchtower. As noted above, each magazine for the public will be distributed for a two-month period. Therefore, we have automatically increased your standing requests for these magazines. The service overseer and magazine coordinator (or magazine servant) should carefully monitor the distribution of magazines and adjust the congregation’s standing request to match actual needs.—See the October 20, 2015, letter to all congregations.

    When the congregation’s supply of Bible Teach books runs out, additional supplies should be re-quested from the branch office until you are notified that the supply is depleted. To make good use of remaining supplies of that book, the service overseer may choose to feature it in the congregation’s public witnessing activity. He may also direct well-qualified publishers to distribute copies of the book to institutions such as libraries, schools, universities, retirement communities, and nursing homes.—See the October 14, 2016, letter to all bodies of elders.

  • darkspilver

    Hi The Fall Guy

    yeah, thanks, I posted this a couple of days back, on Saturday..... in the 2017 Annual Meeting thread.....

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Thanks for the quick response.

  • Listener
    to reduce the amount of material that our brothers must read

    Really? It's not even a matter of choice as to what the brothers want to read instead they are supposed to read everything?

    Does this now mean they must read and watch everything on JW org and JW org TV?
  • jp1692

    Theocracy's decrease is ever increasing. Further proof the end is near, just as it has been since 1879!

  • Diogenesister

    The GB made " exciting" decisions....

    It's "exciting" that:

    Watchtower mags are being reduced

    Awake mags are being reduced

    Books are being reduced *and* the few still published will be simplified

    less books, tracts, brochures published and videos produced for field ministry

    no more monthly literature offers

    No more content added to many features on jw .org,

    less children's content on

    No more Jehovahs witnesses annual yearbook

    and this is "exciting" for jw's?!!

  • steve2

    JWs in the 21st Century: The more you reduce, the more you reduce.

  • freddo

    I hope it's not so much an exciting decision as an exiting decision.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    After all of this, how can ANYONE say that that there is no contraction in borg land??

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    I think this will reduce preaching a lot.

    For the really zealous, this change doesn't really matter. They were trying to bait people into the recruitment process Bible study anyway.

    For the less enthusiastic and zealous, this will reduce service hours. There are a lot of dubs who love the invitation campaigns because that's a lot better than offering mags or actually talking to people. These dubs will not be happy about having to start Bible studies. They'll be hiding under a rock instead.

    So these dubs will continue to simply offer mags. But with much less issues and no monthly offers, that'll get boring pretty fast. So less hours in service as they can't arse themselves to go out.

    On top of that, those with huge magazine 'routes' will get a lot less easy hours driving around territory placing mags with people they already know will take them. These hours will be lost now, or they'll have to do more cold calling door to door....

    Wonderful news!

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