Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?

by slimboyfat 173 Replies latest social current

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Person I’m still an elder but I obviously don’t think the GB are inspired by Jehovah if he even exists.

    During the GB coercion to take the death jabs that was the final straw.

    now I’m PIMA. Mentally Agnostic. I still think the evidence points to intelligent design as the origin of everything but I’m agnostic so certainly open to blind chance evolution if the missing link is ever found or if evolution is not a theory anymore if it could be proven that it would change to fact.

    the real meaning of agnostic is a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable. broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god. : a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something. political agnostics.

    that’s me. I’m unwilling to commit to either intelligent design or chance.

    But for now I’m enjoying being physically in. It’s my social life and I feel JWs are such good associations.

    I also think it’s a big protection living by Bible principles. I love the Bible and I think JWs have the best grasp of it these days with all the videos and good explanations before each new book.

    Will the Bible turn out to be just another book written by man or is there something special about it? I’m unwilling to commit but for now I love studying it.

    If JWs turn out to be correct I will last minute jump that side of the fence. This is a loophole that the Gov body don’t want everyone to know but by their own teaching some will just come in right at the last minute.

    so many on here could go and get reinstated and then be like me stay physically in for the benefits and they you could be mentally out or agnostic but still enjoy being in the congregation

    But back on topic the GBody pushing the death jabs was the final straw for me to know for certain they are not inspired by Jehovah God. It doesn’t mean I will leave the congregation or tell anyone my true feelings. This is why I like to vent on here it’s my only pressure release 😆

  • SydBarrett

    "I'm still an elder"

    "...death jabs"

    "....if the missing link is ever found or if evolution is not a theory anymore if it could be proven that it would change to fact."

    "It’s my social life and I feel JWs are such good associations."

    "I will last minute jump that side of the fence. This is a loophole"

    Thank You for confirming that you are either a troll or else an epically stupid person.

    "Missing link"

    LOL. You gave up on even attempting to appear real, didn't you?

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Syd what in earth do you mean?

    missing link, hypothetical extinct creature halfway in the evolutionary line between modern human beings and their anthropoid progenitors. ”

    Do you think the missing link has now been found? There have been many reports over the years that it has but they all turned out to be bogus.

    Who is epically stupid now?

  • Person

    Thank you for your answer. I think many JW's are like you... Many lost their faith because of bad shepherds. Please, consider this:

    Agnostic people often say that they are very open to the Truth regardless what that Truth is. But someone in your situation need to pretend and lie on daily basis. I don't know if you or anyone finds the Truth this way. That just my opinion. For me GB pushing that experimental treatment was also clear signal that they are on the wrong side. But I decided not to support them and I just faded. Although I struggle oftentimes I still got faith and I'm sure God will bring justice. If you like studying the Bible I recommend Psalm 73 in this regard. Best wishes

  • SydBarrett

    "Who is epically stupid now?"

    You are.

    Evolution is a gradual process. Unless you really expect every creature that has ever existed generation by generation to be fossilized, you'll always be able to point to a "missing link".

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Syd if humans slowly evolved from something over billions of years then we should find human skulls in various degrees of evolution? Archeology has found other fossils older. But no we only find human skulls and all skulls and fossils of non extinct creatures are the same as today. No evidence of evolution at all in the fossil record.

    This is why I’m agnostic

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Agnostic people often say that they are very open to the Truth regardless what that Truth is. But someone in your situation need to pretend and lie on daily basis. I don't know if you or anyone finds the Truth this way. That just my opinion. For me GB pushing that experimental treatment was also clear signal that they are on the wrong side. But I decided not to support them and I just faded. Although I struggle oftentimes I still got faith and I'm sure God will bring justice. If you like studying the Bible I recommend Psalm 73 in this regard. Best wishes


    Person thanks for being the this thread back in point 👏

    I know for sure the gov body were wrong to give direction to be fully vaccinated but that doesn’t mean they are wrong about everything.

    I think they are very imperfect humans living in a Bible and have no idea about real life in the real world.

    The Bible is a very special book and the JWs in my opinion have the best grasp of it. All the intro videos of each new book and all reference guides and pictures.

    I personally love study the Bible and using JW as well as any other good sources

    I also love the weekly Bible reading we go deep on about four chapters per week and give comments at the meetings

    many in my cong like to go really deep and we talk about the weeks Bible reading all week long. Many find things that I didn’t know and very interesting.

    we are not afraid to say this doesn’t make sense? Or I don’t understand this? And eventually we all get to the bottom of it.

    I haven’t told anyone my thought on the direction to be fully vaxed but reading between the lines I think a growing number are coming over to my way of thinking.

    I hope one day it is common knowledge that the GB made a very big and very serious mistake pushing the lethal injections

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 Shots



    Joined On 10/11/2013 8:19:55 AM

    The military-industrial complex in action: Instead of making safe and effective vaccines the NSA (Pentagon) executed operation warpspeed, that only gave us useless vaccines that weaken our immune system, promote autoimmune diseases, damage hearts, and give us cancer. And nobody is held accountable. So why did they hide that operation warp speed was a military operation? And why it became a NATO operation months before the virus outbreak was officially declared? ...

  • LV101

    Greg Hunter - USA - great video entitled 'CV19 Bioweapon Catastrophe is Murder - Dr. Pierre Kory / Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog.' Oh my -- receive some of his videos as a subscriber (free) and he has great guests. Just google and it comes right up w/Dr. Kory of (medical group) and Greg Hunter - video below on page.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    I keep thinking when something comes out wow this is huge, now we know for sure that they were not safe or effective. But no, there seems to be some kind of mass psychosis in the general public and even more concentrated in JWs.

    Cognitive dissonance means they couldn’t possibly consider the jabs were harmful because the direction was from Jehovah to be fully vaccinated. This means there is no possibility that the jabs were dangerous and extremely harmful because that would mean Jehovah was wrong.

    It really is that black and white.

    The time will come when it’s common knowledge that these jabs have hurt and killed hundreds of millions of people who took them and then it will be clear that Jehovah’s direction was wrong.

    or that the humans who claimed the direction was from Jehovah were wrong and Jehovah would be very displeased with them for giving such wrong direction and hurting so many people.

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