Person I’m still an elder but I obviously don’t think the GB are inspired by Jehovah if he even exists.
During the GB coercion to take the death jabs that was the final straw.
now I’m PIMA. Mentally Agnostic. I still think the evidence points to intelligent design as the origin of everything but I’m agnostic so certainly open to blind chance evolution if the missing link is ever found or if evolution is not a theory anymore if it could be proven that it would change to fact.
the real meaning of agnostic is a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable. broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god. : a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something. political agnostics.
that’s me. I’m unwilling to commit to either intelligent design or chance.
But for now I’m enjoying being physically in. It’s my social life and I feel JWs are such good associations.
I also think it’s a big protection living by Bible principles. I love the Bible and I think JWs have the best grasp of it these days with all the videos and good explanations before each new book.
Will the Bible turn out to be just another book written by man or is there something special about it? I’m unwilling to commit but for now I love studying it.
If JWs turn out to be correct I will last minute jump that side of the fence. This is a loophole that the Gov body don’t want everyone to know but by their own teaching some will just come in right at the last minute.
so many on here could go and get reinstated and then be like me stay physically in for the benefits and they you could be mentally out or agnostic but still enjoy being in the congregation
But back on topic the GBody pushing the death jabs was the final straw for me to know for certain they are not inspired by Jehovah God. It doesn’t mean I will leave the congregation or tell anyone my true feelings. This is why I like to vent on here it’s my only pressure release 😆