He is a heart doctor and he is talking about heart problems and their causes, so how is his expertise not relevant? If peer review and relevant qualifications are the standard, why are you relying on a piece that was not peer reviewed by someone who is not a heart specialist to discredit a peer reviewed article by a heart specialist?
Like I said, I am not qualified to judge the scientific and medical arguments. But simply as someone who has been paying attention to what has been said by the authorities, there are significant grounds for concern. First we were told the vaccines would stop us catching the virus. That was wrong. We were told the virus would stop us spreading the virus. That was wrong. We were told we would reach herd immunity if everyone took the virus. That was wrong too. It is entirely reasonable, as a layperson, to draw the sensible conclusion that the authorises are not are certain in their knowledge of these vaccines as their pronouncements, and frankly downright coercion over the past two years, would have led us to believe.
It doesn’t stop there either. They said the RNA would dissipate and not spread in the body. That seems to be in doubt now. They said there was no possible harm for pregnant mothers. Now there’s doubt about that too. Some authorities are saying everyone should get the vaccines, even babies. Other countries are saying it’s too risky for children, or in some places, even people under 50 years old. Given all the things the authorities have got wrong about the vaccines in the past couple of years, shouldn’t there be a degree of humility, at least, and a little less name calling of anyone with concerns as “conspiracy theorists”, or the other favourite, “not following the science”. I like the popular retort to that claim about “following the science” - “if you can question it, that’s science, if you can’t question it, that’s propaganda”.
Somebody posted a rebuttal video above from the doctor with the big hair. I had actually already watched that video a while ago, but I watched it again yesterday. Maybe he is right about some things and maybe some of his criticisms are valid. But honestly his attitude stinks. He treats anyone who disagrees with his own view as compete imbeciles or somehow fired by an inexplicable passion for spreading “misinformation”. It’s a far cry from Dr Mahotra who says to treat others with other views with respect and with patience, because he has been in their shoes, and he himself dismissed concerns about the vaccine at one time. To top it all off, in the above mentioned rebuttal video, the doctor, wanting to emphasise how “dangerous” skepticism is, makes the bold statement that “omicron variant is equally as deadly!” That seems to be an ultra position that goes above and beyond the mainstream view that omicron is a milder variant. So is the debunker himself now guilty of lies and misinformation? Where does this stop?
How about we all just slow down and allow a reasonable discussion about this without name calling, ad hominem and so on. My growing suspicion is that the vaccines were rushed out too quickly and a few companies have made a fortune as a result. There is nowhere near enough research into the side effects. I’ve had 4 vaccines now and not once has anyone asked me about any side effects. I know people who have had strokes, an eye bleed, and various other apparent complications. I know a couple of people who have died shortly after the vaccine. I have not heard of any of these being recorded as even possible side effects of the vaccines. Why is that? If possible side effects are not even being recorded and collated, how are we ever going to know? It’s almost as if the drug companies already know, or suspect, higher than anticipated adverse effects, so they don’t want to collect the data and they obstruct others who want to collect the data. That’s not a conspiracy theory, unfortunately, that’s just how capitalism works.
Do you know the case of Pfizer not being allowed to test a new drug on children in the Us so they decided to test the drug on children in Africa instead where the regulations are not as strong. Hundreds of children died as a result. They paid expensive lawyers to fry and cover it up but not even the lawyers could entirely cover it up in the case. That’s the kind of company we are dealing with here. So don’t tell me it’s a crazy conspiracy that they would deliberately sell drugs that harm people, they do it every day. The question is not whether they would do it, because we know they would, the questions is simply whether they have done it in this case of the vaccines or not.