Update on my job

by DanTheMan 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    Just got a call from my HR guy. He wants me to come in Monday to get everything settled, so I can "get back to work."

    So unless he was totally lying to me and they plan on firing me, I still have my job.


    But, in light of the war situation, I feel like my problems are pretty stupid and insignificant. People are dying, I hate that.

  • Joyzabel

    Thanks for letting us know (((((DTM))))

    expect a desk in a closet! maybe that will keep you out of trouble.



  • DanTheMan

    Funny Joy.

    After the incident last November, I said to myself "OK, I'm not here to admire my pretty coworkers, I'm here to do my job". And I really did change my behavior after that. That is why this recent episode was such a shock.

    I thought for sure they were going to can me. Guess it's best to expect the worst. JW's gave me good training in that kind of thinking!

    If anything I have to watch my anger towards this girl, she really had no good reason at all to report me to HR, it was just like "haha wouldn't it be funny if I got Dan fired haha". I honestly believe that was her mindset.

  • lauralisa

    Hey Dan! I was hoping you'd let us know what was up. But, uh, what's up with the "wait until Monday" crap? First they say Thursday, then Monday... are they TRYING to get you to blow a gasket? The fact that your employer HAS an HR department means they are supposed to be up on protocol. Their behavior indicates that they are NOT. You are NOT being treated fairly here, and if you do a little research on this issue, you will be in a much better position to negotiate with THEM about what THEY ARE GOING TO DO to amend THEIR violations of YOUR rights. If they perceive that you have educated yourself on the laws concerning such matters, you will be able to get the balance of power back on YOUR side, dammit. If you need some links, just ask (ping on my mail thing on this site) Lots of hugs, laura

  • mouthy

    Now that is GOOD NEWS! thanks for sharing I to was wondering how you got on

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Congrats Dan! It sounds like good news. I was thinking she didn't have a case based on what you had told us. I'm glad it's going to work out for you.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey Dan, I will wait till Monday before passing judgement if you dont mind. Keep us informed bro.


    WooHoo Dan!!!

    Congratulations! I'm glad things worked out for ya!

    I just knew they would!


  • DanTheMan

    Thanks for the replies all!

    LL, I think they were testing me a little bit, to see if I'd quit, as they sure didn't have a good reason to fire me.

    rf, I was thinking the same thing - so I called him again after I started this thread. I said, "tell me the truth - I still have my job, right? You aren't telling me one thing, only to have me come in Monday to find a box of my stuff on your desk along with my walking papers?" He laughed and said "Yes, you still have your job, you can relax." So I'm pretty confident.

  • animal

    Maybe you werent the first on her list?


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