Hour Requirement for Regular Pioneers

by iloowy.goowy 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    • ''I can tell me you for me a fact. Pioneer's hate when elders that never pioneer are giving by them counseling about being pioneer 😁''

      That must really stink. Think of the nerve.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    But you just gotta love it how the apostates on youtube and on here leak this 'info' privy to 'eldubs' prior to any of the elders knowing,,,,any of it. We know it before they do. ROFL.

  • Hellothere

    Don't understand the mindset of people in congregations. Oh they removed hours for pioneer's, let's all become one. Why this obsession with a title. Not a thought about quality, must have title. They have become worse then Catholic Church when it comes to titles. What watchtower once hated, they become big time.


    Let’s Review: It’s a Cult!

    There are no such requirements in the Bible. So….the Gibbering Buddies have to claim to speak for God in order to make decrees. I think a few years ago there was an actual Washtowel Article and Con-vention parts that told the J-Dumb Sheeple, “The GB can make decrees cause they are basically royalty.”

    Just imagine Mark Sandwichton’s fat jowels salivating as he revels in his delusional world.


  • Ron.W.

    When I pioneered the hour requirement was 90hrs a month.

    I don't know what it is now?

    When I left they expected appointed men to be doing at least 10hrs a month.

    I think in the economic climate they should make the regular pioneer requirement 40hrs a month and 20 for auxiliary's - then anyone spiritual with economic responsibilities might have a chance of achieving a reasonable work/life/theocratic balance.

    Do I think they will ever acknowledge reality from their gilded bethel tower and make these changes to the hour requirements?

    No, I don't think they ever will...

  • markweatherill

    For the 'service year report', maybe the bethel number-crunchers will conclude that the 'fine growth' of pioneers in 2022 will be best represented by the peak number instead of the average.

  • Biahi

    They bind up heavy loads…

  • ThomasMore

    Once again, the Governing Body has painted itself into a corner. They are about to preside over the largest reduction in pioneers in the history of the organization, a result of not reading the situation during the pandemic. They will likely have to discontinue publishing the hours in service or risk lying outright about the state of affairs.

    A teenager could have seen this coming.

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