Would You Shelter An Illegal Alien Seeking To Come To Your Country?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I know many people support leniency for illegal aliens. They feel terrible for them and often feel laws should be changed so we can welcome people who are not as fortunate as we might be.

    Would you allow an illegal alien to reside with you in your home, with your family?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Hi Min - a Swedish reporter asked some Swedes this very question ...

    Enjoy! XD


  • minimus

    Excellent video. At first I was saying these people are crazy. Then when it came to ...can they come to your house today or tomorrow ...all the answers were no. Funny how people are as the man said . Supporting in principle but not de facto. When reality hits, my daughter is sick... lol

  • DesirousOfChange

    Loved it!

    Just another NIMBY -- Not In My Back Yard

    WE should do it. The "ROYAL WE".

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    The same is true the other way around tho. Would you want to live in the country and situation those refugees come from?

    If not, how dare we send them back?

    If so, feel free to leave now ;-)

  • silentbuddha

    It is not true the other way around. What you stated isn't even truly the other way around.

    Needless to say, it is very easy to send them back. Their country is their lot in life. It may be unfortunate, but them are da breaks

  • minimus

    It’s all about hypocrisy! Sure we should allow illegals to live in our country but not I’m my house!

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen
    It’s all about hypocrisy! Sure we should allow illegals to live in our country but not I’m my house!

    It's a silly question.

    Should we allow minimus to live in our country? Most people would say yes. But quite sure most who think so wouldn't want him living in their house.

    Likewise, would minimus allow his neighbors and many others (non refugees, non illegal aliens) to live in his country? Sure! But quite sure not in minimus' house...

    It's silly to call hypocrisy if you would answer the same question in the same way in a slightly different but entirely similar situation.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Btw it is hypocrisy to say 'yes I would take someone in my home' and then say no right after like they (appear to) do in the video!

  • minimus
    EVERYONE would love Minimus is their home, silly.

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