Well...in my day, I ran all of the 10K's, 12K's and other K that got me a t-shirt. After I got tired of the crowds, I ran alone for the most part. At my peak, I was running 5 miles almost every day and 7 on weekends. I never did make it to a marathon, nor did I ever want to. Something about breaking down muscle instead of building it...I can't remember now.
I would caution any female runner to stay off pavement as much as possible. Towards the end of my running career, I tried to stay on dirt trails, but it was already too late.
I took most of the injury in my feet - my weakest link, if you will. Most women, however, end up with arthritis in the hips or knees. Long term damage in the joints if fairly common. I guess I was lucky in that regard, but my feet are a mess and according to my orthopoedist, it's a medical miracle that I can even walk.
Don't get me wrong, Princess. If I had it to do over again knowing what I know now, I'd still run. And I still get that twinge when I see runners along the road. It kills me not to be out there with them. I even dream of running.
But let's face it, the human body was not meant to run on concrete or even asphalt (which is about 10 times more forgiving than your average sidewalk, especially in summer.) I bought the best shoes money could buy and I still beat the crap out of my poor feet.
So, go have a great time. Finish, be proud of yourself, get the shirt. But if you asked me - and you certainly did not - keep to dirt, track, or sand and off hard surfaces. Otherwise you and me will be wearing the same orthodics and watching from the sidelines.
Good luck!