Face-Masks - don't stop infection OR transmission!

by BoogerMan 21 Replies latest social current

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    waton, I have no idea of how your comment of "and you can have a beard, and stick out the tongue at you know whom at the meeting" to me relates to what I said about mask wearing providing some protection from Covid-19. Perhaps you mean that fully vaccinated people who attend JW meetings are free to stick their tongue out at people. However, I don't attend JW meetings anymore, but from around the years 1999 to 2006 I did wear a beard at the JW meetings I attended, and during part of my first year of doing such I was a ministerial servant. However, I don't stick my tongue out at people.

    I still voluntarily wear surgical face masks at work and everywhere else when I am around other people, except when I am eating or drinking.

    Boogerman, I said "as you say" because you are my source for the information you presented, since I have not yet taken the effort to see if they are scientific facts (except that I do know that the Covid-19 virus is small enough to pass through most masks).

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW
    Balaamsass2, thanks your informative post about surgical face masks and their effectiveness.
  • Samcats

    Are we witnessing the revival of Clayton Woodworth? You can't cure stupid

  • Simon

    Interesting experiments:

    Go somewhere that insists on face masks and tell them "it's OK, I've been vaccinated!".

    Now ask if vaccines really work?

    Go somewhere that insists on vaccination and tell them "it's OK, I'll wear a mask!".

    Now ask if masks really work?

    The "science" people followed was utter bullshit, there was no science, it was all an opportunity.

    The countries that didn't lockdown (Sweden) have had the best outcomes without the increase in deaths caused by lockdowns themselves, and best not mention Africa where people pop Ivermectin to protect against Malaria. Covid vanished without vaccines and without masks.

    You're not an antivaxxer if you don't want to take something that is called a vaccine but doesn't act like any known vaccine ever.

    You're not anti-science if you follow the established science about face-masks prior to heavy handed government control.

  • Chezdale

    Brilliant. those 2 "experiments".

    I'll be trying them out at the next opportunity.

    They can also be turned into questions and used in conversation.

    Thanks for that simple, effective line of reasoning Simon.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    My view is that the Covid-19 vaccines are partially successful against Covid-19 and that use of face masks (and the washing of hands) are also partially successful against Covid-19 (and against catching the colds and the flu). Furthermore, my view is that using both vaccines and masks (and the washing of hands) is more successful against Covid-19 than only one or the other. However I think I don't need to take any more Covid-19 vaccines.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    With this new variant out there...I don't know how effective the vaccines or masking will serve?

  • Phizzy

    " However I think I don't need to take any more Covid-19 vaccines." really ? let me know in a year or two how you got on.

    I will try all fairly safe measures to protect myself and my wife from infection of any sort, ignoring just SOME benefit because unqualified people "question the Science" is plain silly.

    My wife and I are elderly, and because of ongoing health problems are in real danger if we got even "just" the annual 'flu, we would be among the small number who DO die from it. I appreciate people who, here in the U.K, still care enough for others to wear a mask, we are not commanded to do so, or even advised much, it is voluntary, and caring.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Hi Phizzy. I am under age sixty (though over age 50) and as far as I can tell I never had any Covid-19 symptoms. In contrast some of my co-workers have gotten Covid-19 twice despite taking all of the their Covid-19 shots even when using the same brand I took, namely the Moderna brand). I went about a year before getting my most recent booster shot because I wanted to wait for the bi-valent shot rather than taking another shot which was entirely of the same formulation I previously had. I having been taking vitamin-herbal supplements including vitamin D and vitamin D is known to offer protection from Covid-19. I'm thinking my body has a strong natural immunity to Covid-19 virus and/or that my supplement intake and mask use is protecting me from Covid-19.

    I have been taking the flu shots for 3 or 4 years now and I noticed that they work excellently for me since I have not had any flu symptoms since I started taking them (my employer has them provided at work; they are administered by pharmacists from a Safeway store). Even more interestingly, I haven't had any cold symptoms either since I started getting flu shots. i used to get really bad cold and/or flu about once every one or two years when I was in a work environment around many people (instead of working at home or being unemployed), yet surprisingly I haven't had any colds (colds are produced by corona viruses) since I started getting flu shots.

    I thought I might have some lingering Covid-19 vaccine induced Covid-19 spike proteins in my body tissues, and I wanted to get rid of any Covid-19 spike proteins I might have. I thus searched for any medical science articles which might say how to remove them. I discovered that a medical study on Covid-19 patients shows that Quercetin helps the body to destroy the Covid-19 spike proteins. I thus recently purchased a Quercetin supplement and started taking it as a result.

  • waton
    waton, I have no idea of how your comment of "and you can have a beard, and stick out the tongue . DJW: even a tongue firmly planted in cheek is hidden by the masks.

    If a mask slows down, reduces the reach, modifies the direct airstream full of droplets and minuscule half life, - coming and going,

    how can that not not be beneficial? get even better masks.

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