Beroean Pickets - Is there a problem?

by BoogerMan 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • BoogerMan

    Having watched the latest offering from Beroean Pickets - - I contributed the following factual information along with several consolidating Scriptures:

    "NAOS - metaphorically the spiritual temple consisting of the saints of all ages joined together by and in Christ, of a company of Christians, a Christian church, as dwelt in by the Spirit of God." (

    (1 Corinthians 3:16, 17) "Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that the spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; for the temple of God is holy, and you are that temple."

    (1 Corinthians 6:19) "Do you not know that your body is the temple...."

    (2 Corinthians 6:16) "For we are a temple of a living God;”

    (Ephesians 2:21, 22) "In union with him the whole building, being harmoniously joined together, is growing into a holy temple for Jehovah. In union with him you too are being built up together into a place for God to inhabit by spirit."

    (1 Peter 2:5) " yourselves as living stones are being built up into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood."

    For some strange reason the information either disappeared or was deleted by YouTube - twice!

    I thought I'd submit it here for anyone who's interested in what some Scriptures say.

    Maybe someone will copy & paste it and try to submit it again on Beroean Pickets.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz
    So who do you think is the great crowd booger man?
  • Acluetofindtheuser

    It sounds like Eric Wilson does not want to be preached to in the comments section. Apparently he is the only one allowed to preach on his Youtube channel.

    Don't forget he's still a JW at heart. Maybe you are branded as a "voice of strangers" which was drilled into him when he was an elder. He only wants praise directed at him in the comments section.

  • iloowy.goowy

    Comments deemed not in support of Eric Wilson's latest Biblical doctrines and interpretations of scripture are summarily deleted but it may not be by him.

    It could be one of his minion followers especially an elderly lady nick named Vivie, who reads all posts, comments as if Eric did and tends to have no patience for discord or questioning attitudes.

  • BoogerMan

    @raymond frantz - My opinion on who the great crowd is or isn't, wasn't what was being referred to.

    I supplied 100% accurate information from Strong's Lexicon regarding the symbolic meaning of "temple" and provided seven scriptures (perfect number!) which conclusively prove & harmonise with the Lexicon's explanation.

    Why someone somewhere should decide that accurate & truthful information - as well as Holy Scriptures - should be censored/deleted is anyone's guess - but it's exactly what the Borg does. 😀

    And why anyone would downvote truthful statements..................................

  • hoser

    Didn’t he disfellowship one of his followers?

  • BoogerMan

    @ hoser - "Removed." Keep up!

  • Vanderhoven7

    Eric has his flaws. You know there is a problem when you can't agree to disagree on non-essentials. Also, he wastes his energy alienating Trinitarians who would otherwise be interested in his videos.

    The other sheep are the Gentiles. If Jesus had said Gentiles he would have invited violence as was the case with Paul.

  • Duran

    The GC that come out of the GT are those that don't take the MOTB.

    The MOTB is not given out until the 8th king comes to power, which has not happened yet, therefore there is no GC yet. When the 8th king comes to power (LOL...don't hold your breath.), that will be the time of GT for all those refusing the MOTB.

  • Vanderhoven7

    The Great Crowd members are all anointed, saved, washed in the blood unlike WT OS

    A modern Jehovah’s Witness other sheep is a person:

    a. who is not born of the Spirit of God (not Spirit begotten) and therefore cannot see/inherit the Kingdom of God.

    b. who has not been justified by the blood of Christ.

    c. who is not part of the New Covenant.

    d. who has no personal Mediator.

    e. who is bereft of a heavenly hope.

    f. who cannot come unto Jesus Christ when troubled or commune with him i.e. relate to him on a personal level.

    g. who believes an extra-biblical gospel that the Apostle Paul knew nothing about.

    h. whose faith is primarily centered in men (GB) not God or the Bible.

    i. who must never voice any opinion on any doctrine (even the extra-biblical stuff) contrary to that of the GB or risk discipline and possible disfellowship.

    j. whose organization feels free to invent conspiracies and arbitrarily add words to the New Testament, as in the case of the name "Jehovah", selectively reflecting its doctrinal bias.

    k. who previously (before November 2023), after doing fieldservice (which usually involves the extra-biblical practice of going door to door) was required complete an extra-biblical written report every month detailing time spent preaching to remain in "good standing".

    l. who believes that those of all those of other faiths (including those claiming to be Christian) are part of satan’s organization and if alive will die at the hand of Jehovah during the tribulation or at Armageddon.

    m. who are not eligible to partake of the bread and wine which represent the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    n. who take full advantage of government provisions such as health care and income benefits, yet will not vote, or work for a governmental organization.

    o. who will strongly encourage you to read their organization's literature while openly refusing to receive or read literature from you developed by your church or church publisher.

    p. who is not allowed independent religious thought.

    q. who must avoid relating to and in many cases actually shun family members who have been disfellowshipped from the organization.

    r. who would lose the privilege of giving a public address in North America if he grew a beard.

    s. who will be disciplined and possibly disfellowshipped if caught celebrating birthdays, Christmas, wishing people a happy birthday or reading literature opposed to the WTS.

    t. Who can be disfellowshipped for smoking cigarettes.

    u. who actually plans/aspires to be raised in the resurrection along with the UNJUST.

    v. whose religion is spurious to scripture in the sense that everything that is original and unique to it is in fact, extra-biblical.

    w. who believes that a criteria for salvation is that one must find and submit to an organization. One cannot be saved without the GB.

    x. who readily embraces extra-biblical information.

    y. whose doctrine is often determined by at least 2/3 majority vote of the Governing Body.

    z. who rejects biblical salvation (which is a gift of God, not of works) for a gospel of relative works-righteousness.

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