52. Don't praise musicians or sportspeople too much in case it's creature worship.
53. A woman shouldn't contradict her husband in front of others but should question him in private.
54. Don't use words that indicate alternative epistemological perspectives (Oedipal complex, class consciousness, holy mystery).
55. Don't tell lies, unless the person you are lying to does not deserve the truth.
56. You can tell family and spouse you love them but you can't tell them that you love them as much as you love Jehovah and his organisation.
57. Don't use local dialect from the platform or during the meeting. (I don't know if this is universal but it's certainly local. A brother was counselled for saying "deaf" to rhyme with reef instead of ref, for example.)
58. Don't wish people a happy birthday.
59. Don't say a patriotic pledge of allegiance.
60. Avoid talking to psychotherapists or counsellors if you can help it.
61. If you must talk to a mental health professional don't mention the JW religion in any negative way.
62. You must inform your doctors that you will not accept blood ahead of time.
63. You shouldn't stand outside the convention and gossip during the programme.
64. In fact you should stop talking and take your seats before the opening musical presentation.
65. You can use the word "lord" for Jesus when you read a scripture but if you use it too much in regular comments/conversation that is suspect.
66. You can say "happy new year" if you mean "I hope you have a good year" but not if you mean "I hope you have a great party and get steaming drunk on Hogmanay".
67. You can't talk friendly or alone with someone you are not free to marry of the opposite sex.
68. Although we ask you to raise your hand if you disagree with a congregation expense resolution we don't expect you to ever actually say anything.
69. You shouldn't take your coffee and gossip break during the ministry too early. Less than an hour after starting is definitely too early.
70. If a householder asks something you don't have a prepared answer for, do not answer with your own ideas. Instead stop the conversation immediately and go away and find the official answer before proceeding.
71. Don't just talk to people your own age or similar to you at the KH. Talk to people of different ages, interests and backgrounds. (This in itself is no bad idea, but it also serves an organisational ideological function: it reminds all members that their connection to each other is primarily shared commitment to the organisation rather than shared interests or natural friendship)
72. Don't talk to researchers who are investigating JWs, direct them to the publications or the branch instead.