Will this war in Iraq, damage friendships here?

by WildTurkey 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Hate to pour cold water on the thoughts here >>but already I have lost two good friends over this war.I am a Canadian > An American sent me mail asking me to pray for Bush> I replied I dont pray JUST for Bush I pray for all that are in postions of Headship....That THEY will be guided to do Gods will. > Then a dear Canadian friend was ashamed of me & the Canadian stance of NOT supporting the war. Told me since I go to the USA every year & it is the happiest time of my life >I shouldnt be allowed to go> since I wont support my friends in war...I am so sorry I expressed my thoughts about it. but the fact is as a JW> I did & repeated everything I was told to do>.As a free thinker I guess that too will get me DF from others who dont like my ability as a woman to THINK!!! Even if I am wrong!!!!!!.( which at this point I dont think I am) I have been through 6 years of war. lost a child in it WW2 & I cannot support war. Please dont answer that I am letting murder, rapes, killing go on if I dont. I at this point cannot sanction war.

  • teejay

    If a friendship can be damaged by a difference of opinion, was it really ever a friendship? As ex-JWs, I think we all know the answer to that.

  • gumby
    If a friendship can be damaged by a difference of opinion, was it really ever a friendship? As ex-JWs, I think we all know the answer to that.

    How true teejay! I think there is more to it though in a dubs life. I think many time dubs are very close to a person and when one becomes"Apostate....they shun the other. Does this mean the dub really had no love for their friend? I don't think so in many or most cases. I think they are able to do this because a belief,(especially a religious belief ) can overide all power of reason. I think the hurt inside many dubs who are required to shun someone they love ...is very hard for them. On the other hand.......there are MANY who seem heartless to a former friend they loved......who leave the Organisation. These are the pseudo friends you speak of. Gumby

  • LuckyLucy

    Yes , It is apparent that alot of friendships are and will be damaged before this is over. People's true colors are starting to show.Just about every day here I see more and more people losing respect for people they once had it for.Its too bad that people let their politcal veiws blur what is really fair for ALL....

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    No matter what your view is on the current situation, just remember that there was a time in most of our lives when we were not allowed to have an opinion different from the Society.

    It's great to see so many people expressing their OWN opinions on current affairs, rather that what was
    published in "Watching the World" etc.

    Please keep that in mind when calling someone a "dumbass" because
    their opinions differ from yours. By criticizing others for their opinions, you are acting no better than the

  • teenyuck
    People expressing their opinions about the war have not changed the opinions that I already had about them.


  • Shutterbug

    Wife and I don't always agree, but we've managed to stay married for 38 years. Sometimes we agree to disagree. Bug

  • layla

    I think everybody understands that each of us has different opinions and we feel free to express them here........

    Just remember.... we all came to this board to find support and friends that we couln't find anywhere else.....and I'm sure a lot of you have found that here..


    Wild Turkey: good question.

    One for reflection. When I think about what drew me to this forum, and many others too I'm sure, it should become evident that each and everyone of us are individuals.

    Having any stance towards the latest global events would be cause for an elders visit or being marked in the congregation. So this forum has liberated people enough that they can even hold an opinion about the war or anything else for that matter, post-JW.

    Talk about Validation: you can express a point of view here.

    But...considering that the forum has a predominant American membership, the majority of comments I have seen as of late, reflect much of what is going on there. Of course, not all Americans agree with each other on these matters.

    But Americans have to remember one thing: this forum does have non-American members, and because we're not Americans, and live in different countries, we are more than likely to have differing opinions on any number of topics, and really, that shouldn't surprise anyone.

    But...the thing that drew us here: OUR experiences as Jehovah's Witnesses.

    That's one thing, no matter what, that still keeps us connected and glued together despite opinions regarding political wranglings.

    There are many on here I still get a kick out of. Despite 'a view' held by them, I still will post after a topic or msg. them privately, more often than not, with something that is fun or complimentary or simply an observation etcetera.

    I would hope despite the differing opinions on the war, we can remember what drew us here in the first place, and be mindful to ready to assist any newbies should they venture their way in here for support.

    Have to keep a focus here too. We've got some scared and worried questioning Dubs or XJWs visiting/lurking, so be mindful of that.

    Now that I've said that, I hope you are ALL having a lovely weekend, and are in the best of health and happiness with the ones you love.

    Kindest Regards, Rayzorblade.

  • teenyuck

    I am really dismayed by the "bully" attitude shown on this subject. However, the bullies have pretty much shown themselves on many other subjects.

    Certain posters (you know who you are) seem to really enjoy calling people names. They do not seem to understand the their approach turns people away from their opinion.

    I make a point to not read their threads and I ignore their posts. Having only insults as a retort proves they have limited knowledge of the subject, are not objective and have poor communication skills.

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