The April 8, 2003 Awake states:"A specific gathering to which the word luau is applied may or may not be appropriate for a Christian to attend. As in all aspects of life, Christians should make decisions that will leave them with a clear conscience before Jehovah God." So, in case you are asked to go to a luau, you really should consider if there's any religious or spiritistic overtones and recognize that the origin of the luau is pagan.
Going To A Luau Is Considered "A Conscience Matter Before Jehovah God"
by minimus 14 Replies latest jw friends
At my old hall there was once a huge concern if luaus were pagan or not. I convinced everyone that nothing was religious about it and we all had a blast. I guess this new light would indicate that luaus are pagan and that no true worshiper of God would attend such a thing.
With that in mind I'm going to be on Maui from May 1st through June 16th, at least. So I'm thinking Apostaluau. Well, I don't know enough about luaus but maybe an ApostatluauBBQ??
HAHHAHA you've got to be kidding. We went to lauau's as JW's an no one thought a thing of it, we even went with the CO and his wife and they had on matching hawaiian outfits and I have a pic of him doing the hang loose sign hehehe.
HAHHAHA you've got to be kidding. We went to lauau's as JW's an no one thought a thing of it, we even went with the CO and his wife and they had on matching hawaiian outfits and I have a pic of him doing the hang loose sign hehehe.
When i read this, I thought of our poster, Badboy. You see, everything's pagan. If the pagans did it, can we or can't we? That's for the Watchtower to know and for you to find out.
Ooooohhhhhhh, this brings back bad memories!!!! First mistake: we went to Maui with my parents (this was pre-kids). Second mistake: we took the loft bedroom in the condo, forgetting that Dad got up at about 5:30 a.m. to have a cup of coffee, which meant that morning snugglebunnies had to be VERY quiet. Third mistake: we said we were going to a luau. That sparked a BIG debate between my mom and dad about whether, as good little Dubs, we were ALLOWED to attend something that might or might not be pagan. Mom insisted that someone call a local elder to ask permission. Chris said "no way" along with a few other words, so my Dad called. Suddenly I felt 15 again -- NOT a nice feeling! Anyway, the answer was vague and ambiguous, we went to the luau anyway, Mom and Dad didn't go, so we had a great time! Don't like poi, though -- tastes just like wallpaper paste.
I never thought of the pagan origin of this thing. Of course, I haven't been to too many luaus either.
I remember the Luau thing with the dubs. It was one of the less talked about things and I attended many hawaii'n themed get togethers.
Playing chess was also a conscience matter because it was war stradegy and political roots.
Dubs do not pay attention to most of the crap they hear unless the stress on the matter is heavy enough. How many watch R-rated movies?
When the June 8, 2002, Awake came out Stan Conroy started this thread:
I wonder if he was the reader who wrote in asking about the luau and other events with pagan origins?
Nathan Natas
Is it okay for a Dub to have pineaple on their pizza?
Better call Bethel and check; "the light keeps getting brighter and brighter," y'know.
We should offer our humble thanks to the SockPuppet God Jehovah, who in this time of fear, uncertainty and doubt has used His metaphysical messengers to let us know that if we partake in a luau he will kill us.
"In Jaracz' name we pray, Amen."