Is there anything interesting we should know about??
Is There Any Jehovah’s Witness News You Want To Share?
by minimus 13 Replies latest jw friends
The Fall Guy
These are now the last seconds of the last hours of the last days - of the last day!
A zealous PIMI has scared/convinced their relative into viewing the streamed meetings - because it looks like the the long-awaited great tribulation is about to start!
John 17:3 - This means everlasting, their watching streamed broadcasts on iPads."
The judge showed him leniency
Room 215
It seems that JW watching meetings via streaming are told to "dress appropriately" as though for a KH meeting... and to make sure that their surroundings (.i.e., the backdrop in the rooms against which they're videoed) conform to standards of decency!
All the Witnesses are doing is making their homes an extension of the kingdom hall: dressing up and being seen remotely; making sure the background in their home conforms with the religion’s ‘standards of decency’.
I cannot feel sorry for anybody who allows themselves to be controlled in such a intrusive way. These Witnesses have truly ‘checked their brains at the door’..They would probably submit to having an implant put in their head.
road to nowhere
New letter: wash your hands, cough into elbow, keep social distancing, make grocery run for elderly. Use zoom
Yes ..... keep the pretentiousness up brothers and sisters during your appearance on the inter net.
Smiles should be presented to show how we are the happiest people on the planet, right up to when Jehovah starts throwing fire balls from heaven onto people during Armageddon burning people alive.
Jehovah likes his people to always smile, its a way of showing submissive loyalty.
Funny.... there isn’t much JW news is there??
June 30 2015 was my last meeting. Quit cold turkey.
1 elder stopped by as he was driving by and saw me mowing my yard about 2 years later and apologized for believing all the bs my ex wife was spewing for 14 years.
It's now 2020 and apparently the world is ending and it's the great tribulation and all the people that said they were my true friends and loved me for 30+ years haven't said a word to me since 30June2015.