'Jehovah's Witnesses' Label Added to Trolley

by cofty 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Yesterday I noticed on four trolleys I passed (and had a long useful conversation at one but more on that later) they had added a label identifying themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses. It was just a simple printed piece of white card stuck on next the logo.

    Is this a new requirement? Was it a directive from HQ or I wonder if the local council require it.

  • Diogenesister

    As in a label with " Jehovahs Witnesses" written on it?

    Maybe put there by the publishers because people don't know what "JW.Org" is (where once they would have had a Watchtower sign that is widely recognized) ?

  • goingthruthemotions

    They have to remind themselves which cult they belong to. it has moved so much to the JW..ORG they don't know who they belong to .

  • cofty
    As in a label with " Jehovahs Witnesses" written on it?

    Yes exactly, just made up on somebody's inkjet printer and stuck on - on all four trolleys in Edinburgh city centre yesterday. I doubt if they would do it unless they were told to. It's hardly going to increase interest in their literature.

    I'm wondering if the council require them to make it clear who they represent.

  • fulano

    I have seen it while being in a bank. Weird.

  • LV101
    Thought they were not revealing their JW cult identity at the get go - better odds of being accepted in society and opportunity of sharing info (propaganda).
  • Vidiot

    Bit of a quandary, really...

    ...how do stop looking cultish whilst internally doubling down on your cultiness?


  • Finkelstein

    Shouldn't their label be ... " Commercialized False Prophets " ?

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    My bet is that it's a local council thing.

    If it were a directive from JW HQ they would have provided some proper materials for the carts....to be paid for of course.....

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Possibly running low on literature..so stuck the label on to deter any passer by from stopping and taking anything.

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