Support Our Troops Rally, Duluth, MN pics
by scootergirl 27 Replies latest social current
Dede..........or should I say "Auntie Dede"......Yes, A. did a good job. What was funny is she was standing listening to the speakers with me. Much was going over her head. I wanted to keep her attention so I asked her to please take the camera and wander around a bit. I thought it would be interesting to look at her pictures and see what a 12 year old sees during a rally. She told me she liked to see people's expressions on their faces.....I asked her if she understood what "patriotism" meant when we left. "Oh, yeah, Mom. I could see it in people's faces." There were ~5 vets sitting in wheelchairs in the front row that she wanted to take their pictures.....but was to shy to. She told me and her step-dad last night that she wants to get into photography......and learn all the words to the National Anthem.
A. ran into a friend of her's from class who's brother is in the Service. His mother was at the rally too. A. said knowing who this boy is and his family made the war "more at home" for her-not just some news on CNN.
Last night she was a hyped as me. Wanting to know all about her relatives that served our country in the past Wars. Today I am going to show her the old military pics I have of her great grandfathers.....this may have possibly sparked a new interest for her. After our conversation last night, she told me how she wished that she could say thank you to her great grandfather for serving in WWII.........that brought tears to my eyes. Being that he has been gone for a long time....that grandpa would want her to support our troops that is thank you enough from a 12 year old for our soldiers.
Someday, A will be my age.......and we can look back and remember history as it was in the making....and remember this moment that we shared together. Most definately a bonding experience.
Damn, that kid makes me proud sometimes!
BTW.......BIG thanks to SoLR for hosting my pics!
Yeaaah Scootergirl, and yeaaah Duluth. The silent majority speaks out and gets press coverage... it is about time! May the war be as short and effective as possible, and let's get our troops home.
Scooter you and your daughter look great!! And I agree with everyone about the pic of you in front of the flag...very cool...that pic really stood out for me too.
Love that 1st picture of you too Scooter...Dede is right, had Time Magazine written all over it! Nice one of you and your daughter too!
Nice to see peaceful rallys and demonstrations....maybe the people screaming "PEACE" can learn from it.
scootergirl was VERY peaceful. Not once did I hear any negativity. Just patriotic people pulling together for our soldiers!
Of course the same statement could be made with the anti-war crowd and their demonstrations Realist. You prove nothing but serve to inflame.
But lets take your assertions head on. If one supports this war and backs it up with reasons why they support the war are they automatically to be branded as "drones", JW-like, simply because they do not agree with your point of view? I happen to believe that a lot of the kids that are marching in these anti-war rallies are misled by outright lies and will believe anything a professor or classmate will tell them. I think that they are so moldable and vulnerable and people are taking advantage of that for their own political gain.
We support our troops because we feel it is the honorable thing to do, we feel that they are doing a job that needs to be done and that they are protecting us from harm. That is our viewpoint, it was not given to us by others and it was not forced upon us. Others are welcome to have opposing viewpoints and are even befriended, how is that JW-like? You insult us with your notions.
Double Edge
That has got to be one of the most misguided and 'stupidist' post I've ever read on this board.