Utopian Raindrops
I am so glad to see YOU here.
by gumby 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
Utopian Raindrops
I am so glad to see YOU here.
Well I understand the point you were making, but OH MY I found this interesting. So was his mother really his grandmother or his aunt?
Good Question. I think his Mother was also his half sister. Pope Sergio was his father and grandfather. His Mother/sister later became his lover.
I believe the Waldensians were cited by the WTS part of the lineage of the FDS from Christ until now in an attempt to justify that a FDS and "Governing Body" has continuously existed from Jesus' death until now.
Born from an incestuous relationship between Pope Sergio III and his13-year-old daughter Marozie. John, in turn, took his mother as his own mistress.
If his Mother was his common law wife, did that make him his own Stepfather?
Dont forget that all this,together with the slaughter of worshippers described above, took place in the good old days before "Critical times hard to deal with" began. Despite what happens now, it has to be better than then. J Ws conveniently ignore that .
I believe the Waldensians were cited by the WTS part of the lineage of the FDS from Christ until now in an attempt to justify that a FDS and "Governing Body" has continuously existed from Jesus' death until now.
They were....along with the lollards. The fact is they believed the same orthodox teachings as the rest. The difference they had with others was that they went against the idea of church authority and openly preached........which at that time only the clergy and those authorized could do.
The society made it sound as if they were "more right" about doctrines than the others. The Waldensenes were mearly a handful of the many that had their own strong ideas apart from the church.
They were quite the influential group that lasted 350 years strong,(with small splinter groups still in existence today) and withstood a lot of persecution and stood up for what they believed in, but to tie them in with a governing body already in existance falls flat when you re-search them. They didn't spring from anyone else. It was simply a man...Peter Valdo who believed what he did as did Russell, and convinced others of his ideas.
:I believe the Waldensians were cited by the WTS part of the lineage of the FDS from Christ until now in an attempt to justify that a FDS and "Governing Body" has continuously existed from Jesus' death until now.
:They were....along with the lollards.
So......do I get a new blender or toaster something for getting that one right?
So......do I get a new blender or toaster something for getting that one right?
Who said you had anything right.........I just made all that crap up. Besides...I gave the last toaster I had to your old buddy and pal Prisca cuz I've missed seeing her here lately.
(if I can find a good deal on a juicer....I'll send ya one ) , blenders are too hard to clean
I still want my toaster or blender, Gumby. Have you no morals or ethics at all?
"... I believe the Waldensians were cited by the WTS part of the lineage of the FDS from Christ until now in an attempt to justify that a FDS and "Governing Body" has continuously existed from Jesus' death until now..."
The Adventists have a massive work called the "Prophetic Faith of our Fathers" , thousadns of pages, that basically establishes the Sevvie equivalent of an FDS from Apostolic times till 1844 keeping the Sabbath Doctrine alive. Converted in to Dub terms, I guess the dubs would attempt to establish that followers of Waldo and Luther engaged in the house to house ministry.
Hello Gumby,
many thanks for this fascinating research.
A very useful one indeed.
UtopianRaindrop: thanks for the additional quotes.
Farkel: Great...as usual! Excellent comment!
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp