My real name (and a shameless self promotion)

by schnell 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • evilApostate

    Hi Benjamin. Programming? Cool! I've just started learning some Swift and will look into other languages as I continue to learn. I've heard that swift is a lot like Objective-C, so I will probably look into that next. Anyway, nice meeting you!

  • prologos
    is this a first on JWN, that a real name is revealed, like a schnell truckdriver named Benjamin? Not all can follow your fine example for fear of being known here /, but dead at the hall.
  • schnell

    @prologos, is that a quote from someone else somewhere else? Or are you asking here if this is a first? :P I honestly could care very little if the organization decides I'm an apostate or not. They're a deceptive, rotten bunch and I'm just going to live my life honestly. That said, I do respect that what might work for me might not work for everyone else.

    @evilApostate, hi! I guess I would try Swift, but I don't own any Apple products. Man, programming has become so much more accessible over the years. What, nobody wants to try LISP? :P

  • evilApostate
    What, nobody wants to try LISP? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    First time hearing about LISP.

  • schnell
  • prologos

    Benjamin Schnell, no, I am computer illiterate, and pressed the quote button at the wrong time, and could not get rid of it. It was my question. it would be nice, if we all could use our real names, but hidden, with absolute security, for those like wt that are not entitled to it. and:

    you will have to go north to latitude Masdras on August 21 ti be in total shadow. Why Schnell and not Jehu?

  • evilApostate


    It sounds cool. I might try it out later on but I must crawl before I walk. After all, compared to you, I'm a noob programmer.

  • stuckinarut2

    G'day mate! From Australia!

  • smiddy

    You`ve got balls schnell good luck to you and welcome to the board .As for the rest of the comments they have just gone completely over my head being a PC ignoramus and my excuse is my age

    Technology just seems to be moving on at a tremendous pace nowadays I`d love to be around in another 100 years or so ,the world will/could be a fantastic place .

    No thanks to the JW religion.

  • schnell

    Thank you smiddy! You and stuckinarut have got big balls too!

    @prologos, I like the name Schnell enough, but I chose it in honor of William J. Schnell, whom I really empathized with after reading 30 Years a Watchtower Slave.

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