If I was over there in battle gear and happened to even LOOK like a Muslim (and in fact I *have* been mistaken for Muslim) I'd beg my commanders to send me to the rear. That may happen even without my request. I couldn't have my comrades not fully trusting me in the context of life and death situations, and what happened last night puts in doubt the loyalty of all soldiers who are (or simply appear to be) of Muslim descent. What that soldier did cast an unfortunate shadow over perhaps many servicemen and women who are innocent of any wrongdoing and loyal to their country.
this was my thougth as well
it will be interesting to see what happens to muslium soldiers who are serving in the US miltaryI'm a bit naieve, but the question which begs asking is why on earth a fanatical Muslim would serve in the US militaryBeryl
point well taken, i was surprised myself till i saw a report a couple years back about the number of muslium guys who do serve in the army living here in DC they do reports on the miltiary all the time and they did a report after 9-11 on ARE THE MUSLIUM SOLDIERS TRUSTWORTHY