A Muslium American kills fellow soldier

by JT 16 Replies latest social current

  • JT
    If I was over there in battle gear and happened to even LOOK like a Muslim (and in fact I *have* been mistaken for Muslim) I'd beg my commanders to send me to the rear. That may happen even without my request. I couldn't have my comrades not fully trusting me in the context of life and death situations, and what happened last night puts in doubt the loyalty of all soldiers who are (or simply appear to be) of Muslim descent. What that soldier did cast an unfortunate shadow over perhaps many servicemen and women who are innocent of any wrongdoing and loyal to their country.

    this was my thougth as well

    it will be interesting to see what happens to muslium soldiers who are serving in the US miltary

    I'm a bit naieve, but the question which begs asking is why on earth a fanatical Muslim would serve in the US military


    point well taken, i was surprised myself till i saw a report a couple years back about the number of muslium guys who do serve in the army living here in DC they do reports on the miltiary all the time and they did a report after 9-11 on ARE THE MUSLIUM SOLDIERS TRUSTWORTHY

  • Pleasuredome

    i find it amazing that this guy could have done this to his comrades. i dont know much about the details of what happened, but if he was in a camp, why did he have grenades, unless he had proper access to them? the british army doesnt issue them untill moving into battle.

  • Trauma_Hound

    The only thing I've read, is he was a Seargent, and had a beef with a higher up, I heaven't read he was a muslim.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    CNN reported he was a muslim. They also reported that there were 18 muslim clerics in the military and of those 18, 12 were trained in the same branch (sect?) that many fanatical muslims come from. I'm sorry but I do not recall the name of the sectarian muslim belief (did it start with an "R"?).

    At any rate, IF this report is accurate it might behoove the military to check out the clerics and see what exactly they are teaching the Muslim-American soldiers.

  • KistByQpid

    For the traitor in the 101st...Court martialed in theater:

    890. ART. 90 Assaulting or willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer.

    899. ART. 99 Misbehavior before the enemy

    918. ART. 118 Murder

    928. ART. 128 Assault

  • Trauma_Hound

    I agree, if he did this, he should be hanged. Let's have a trial first though.

  • Azalo
    "Simply stated: That is what happens when you let a fox guard the hen house"

    .I'm sorry but I find that comment ignorant and very offensive.

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