Announcements and Reminders
September 2022
1. Publications for Personal Use: Attendants should discreetly offer a copy of the literature being used at congregation meetings, such as the Bible, the study edition of The Watch- tower, and the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook, to any in attendance who need one, including children.
2. 2022 Kingdom Ministry School: Arrangements are being made for classes of the 2022 Kingdom Ministry School to be held in person in the early part of 2023. The course will be approximately eight hours in length and will be for elders only. Your circuit overseer will soon inform you of the specific dates and location of the class that you will be assigned to attend.
3. Locating Approved Publishers for Theocratic Audio/Video Productions: There is a growing need for publishers to assist as actors or extras in theocratic audio/video produc- tions. In order to fill this need, the organization is arranging for approved publishers in se- lected congregations to be invited to participate in self-guided auditions. Representatives from the Regional Video Team (RVT) will contact you with further information if your con- gregation is selected to participate. Please do not discuss this arrangement with publishers.
1. Assisting with Vernacular Audio Recordings: Please be mindful that only those who are exemplary should be recommended to the branch for this privilege, this includes minors. Please send names and contact details (telephone and email) of recommended individuals to Thereafter, representatives from the Translation Depart- ment will contact selected publishers with further information.
1. Announcements for Congregations: Please ensure that the announcements for con- gregations are read at the next midweek meeting and thereafter posted on the information board for at least one month.
2. Rating Convention Speakers and Interpreters: The coordinator of the body of elders, the Watchtower Study conductor, and the auxiliary counselor (or another elder respected for his teaching ability if the auxiliary counselor is the coordinator of the body of elders or the Watchtower Study conductor) should prayerfully review the abilities and the example of each elder who has been approved by the body of elders to give outgoing public talks. The three brothers should follow closely the direction provided in Instructions for Rating Speak- ers and Interpreters (S-315i). The Speaker and Interpreter Ratings (S-315) form should be submitted to the circuit overseer—not the branch office—by the date indicated on
3. Promoting Literacy: Please arrange for the body of elders to discuss the topic of pro- moting literacy at the next elders’ meeting. Is there a need for family heads in the congrega- tion to help their families to become literate? Do progressive Bible students need additional assistance to learn how to read and write? Is there a need to organize literacy classes? (sfl chap. 24 par. 20) As a reminder, copies of the brochure Apply Yourself to Reading and Writing are available for download on
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4. Caring for the Needs of the Blind and Visually Impaired: The body of elders should discuss the needs of any blind or visually impaired publishers or interested persons in the congregation at the next elders’ meeting to ensure that the needs are being cared for.—sfl chap. 1 par. 6 pt. 3; chap. 5 par. 2 pt. 4.
1. Literature Inventory: All language-coordinating congregations should submit their in- ventory quantities using no later than September 15, 2022. The following actions should be taken by the literature servant in the language-coordinating congregation::
(1) Prior to submitting the inventory report, review the latest version of the List of Publi- cations Approved to Discard (S-60) and follow the instructions to discard any items appearing in the list.
(2) Record the inventory count on the latest version of the Monthly Movement of Literature (S-28) form. This includes any literature stored on public witnessing carts. When filling out the information for the public Watchtower and Awake! in the “Periodicals” section of the form, please be sure to record the quantity received for each issue as well as the quantity remaining at the end of the featured months. If there is a large surplus of magazines from recent months, standing requests should be reduced accordingly. —S-56 par. 8.
(3) Submit the inventory report via On the “Congregation” section of the home page when logged in to, select “Literature.” Then select “Request a Publication.” On the “Congregation” tab under the heading “Request Literature,” select “Inventory Reports.” An inventory report should be submitted for each language displayed.
(4) Along with the service overseer of the language-coordinating congregation, determine how much literature can be shared with nearby congregations. Then, on the “Congre- gation” tab, under the heading “Request Literature,” select “Inventory Reports” and then “Maintain Current Inventory.” Update the “Quantity to Share” column.
2. Review of Literature Requests: The congregation should have on hand extra copies of literature used at congregation meetings. Along with the literature servant, please regularly review standing requests of the study edition of The Watchtower and the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook. Requested quantities should closely match the needs of the congrega- tion.—S-56 app. A.
3. Resuming Magnetic-Compatible Posters for Public Magazines: Production of mag- netic-compatible posters for public magazines has resumed. Pending requests for Awake! No. 3 2021, The Watchtower No. 1 2022, and Awake! No. 1 2022 will be filled. Congrega- tions may wish to store their posters after their feature months have passed so that they can be reused in the future.
4. Caring for the Needs of the Blind and Visually Impaired: If there are publishers or interested persons in your congregation who are blind or visually impaired, you should com- municate with them to confirm that they are receiving spiritual food in their preferred format. (sfl chap. 5 par. 2 pt. 4) In addition to the resources mentioned in the announcement for congregations, embossed braille publications and large-print publications may be requested from the branch office.
5. Sylheti Speakers in the Territory (English congregations only): Sylheti is a spoken language closely related to Bengali. It is spoken by thousands of people throughout Britain and Ireland. Most congregation territories contain Indian restaurants, a large number of which are run and staffed by Sylheti speakers. We suggest assigning a few pioneers or S-147-22.09-E Bi
experienced publishers to visit these premises at quiet times. From the Internet they could learn a simple greeting in Sylheti, and offer to show a video. A variety of ministry videos are available in Sylheti on Be alert to invite them to local meetings. We believe there is great potential in this language field and we hope this suggestion proves beneficial. Please write to the Service Department with any positive experiences that result.
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Announcements and Reminders
September 2022
1. Preaching to the Blind and Visually Impaired: Many resources are available for the blind and visually impaired. These include audio publications that can be accessed via, JW Library, Amazon Alexa, or Google Assistant. Additionally, screen reader (RTF) and notetaker (BRL) files as well as videos with audio descriptions are available on When a blind or visually impaired person shows interest, it is often beneficial to ask how he prefers to take in information and then assist him in locating the appropriate resource. Pub- lishers who need assistance with the use of these resources may also call the branch office and ask for the Help Desk.
2. Publications for Christian Meetings: The Governing Body wants to help all in the con- gregation, whether young or old, to progress spiritually. In large measure, this requires that we be able to read and study God’s Word. We also need to have a personal copy of the publications considered at congregation meetings. This would include a Bible, a copy of the study edition of The Watchtower, and a copy of the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook. We use these publications to prepare for our meetings. We also use them to follow along when we attend. (Ps. 1:2; 1 Tim. 4:13-15) Many now use digital formats of these publications. However, we are also eager to provide printed copies. For example, some parents use dig- ital formats of the Bible, the study edition of The Watchtower, and the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook, but they provide printed copies for each one of their children. (See the article “Why Reading Is Important for Children—Part 2: Screen or Print?” on This is important so that the children can prepare for, follow along, and participate in the meetings. Parents, do each of your children have a personal copy of the Bible and other meeting pub- lications? (Deut. 6:6-9) If you need printed copies of these publications, please do not hesi- tate to request them from the literature servant. Having personal copies of the Bible and study publications, whether in printed or electronic format, will enhance our preparation for and participation in Christian meetings and assist all of us to make spiritual progress.—Heb. 5:14.
3. Mask-Wearing in the Ministry: As a reminder, in areas where mask-wearing is not man- dated by the secular authorities, each publisher will decide whether or not to wear a mask in the ministry. When you approach people, we know you will continue to show due respect and consideration for their feelings and circumstances.
4. Resuming In-Person Theocratic Schools: We are excited to announce that in locations where governmental regulations allow, in-person classes of the School for Kingdom Evan- gelizers, the School for Congregation Elders, and the Pioneer Service School will resume in January 2023.
5. In-Person Circuit Assemblies: The Governing Body has given approval to resume in- person circuit assemblies beginning January 1, 2023. Those who are unable to attend in person may contact one of the elders to request access to view a prerecorded program that is available on JW Stream.
6. Assisting with Vernacular Audio Recordings: There is an ongoing need for publishers with vernacular language skills to assist with audio recording projects, including original songs. Therefore, we are keen to identify publishers, both adults and children, who are fluent and able to express themselves with good diction in the following languages: Welsh, Irish Gaelic,
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Scottish Gaelic, Maltese, and Persian. If you would like to make yourself available to assist in this way, please speak with your service committee.
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