Jehovah's Witnesses cannot do a lot of things. I remember pioneers having to quit their jobs because they could not work in a convenience store and sell cigarettes. I know of a young man who was offered a scholarship to any college or university if he wanted to go to because of his football abilities. He decided to full-time Pioneer instead and last I heard he was a milkman Who had to end his career because of significant health problems......What have you given up because of being a JW??
What did you regrettably not do because you were a Jehovah's Witness ?
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
He decided to full-time Pioneer instead and last I heard he was a milkman Who had to end his career because of significant health problems
A milkman?
What, is he 120 years old now? There haven't been "milkmen" for at least 50 years.
stan livedeath
What did you regrettably not do because you were a Jehovah's Witness ?
bonk my born in girlfriend. she was gagging for it. instead--we married far too young---and ended up hating each other a few years later.
I gave up a full ride to a prominent engineering school, and not long after that a huge business opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the mobile tech industry, in order to pioneer, which I didn't enjoy. I clean houses with my wife now, and it has been good to us, but there will always be a "what if". I gave up opportunities to play sports, never had a dating life reflective of norms, and lost so many weekends to mind numbing drugery. I lost holidays, my family, need I go on?
Village Idiot
I did not have my scoliosis treated. I would have been able to walk normally if I had done so. But hey, the New Order was coming soon. I could have had a perfect spine without Jehovah having to straighten it out.
Educate myself in meaningful subjects instead of collecting old WT literature.
Minimus - You are probably talking about big decisions in life, but I have to say that after being out for 11 years, I am still shocked at how many little things I do that still produce pangs of guilt. I bought a pair of camouflage pants for the first time and felt as if I was about to commit an evil act of war. I joined the YMCA two days ago and wanted to shout it out to everyone that I had the audacity to join the Y, but then I realize nobody could give a rats ass
Search and find some true meaning in my life, maybe join the Peace Corp,
Since leaving 3 years ago I've travelled all over North America,
volunteered for Feeding America, volunteered for
Secular Outreach, played one charity concert for Cancer Research, played
in two jazz bands, acted in several short films, started writing screenplays,
If I had had stayed in I would've?? Well you know :)
I remember when I joined the Y a few years ago feeling just a tad uncomfortable LOL. And yes he became a milk and then another LOL!
I think it's wonderful when I see people who left the organization and do things that are meaningful to them
Generally leading the life that many young adult males would have enjoyed - dating girls, going to real parties etc ... need I go on!