US prosecutors are reportedly considering charging 'El Chapo' Guzman with the killings of 6 US citizens and a DEA agent
"The first killings came on December 2, 1984, when four Jehovah's Witness missionaries, two men and two women, knocked on the door of a drug lord. Godoy, who was then also working as a body guard for Ernesto Fonseca, another Guadalajara kingpin, said the missionaries were tortured and the women raped.
They "knocked on the wrong door," Vigil said, and the traffickers "believed they were informants or DEA agents trying to gather information.
Godoy told WFAA that Guzman shot the missionaries one by one, letting their bodies fall into an open grave. The bodies have never been recovered."
Incredibly sad to think of the last hours of those 4 poor Witnesses. Comments in this thread on say that this was known about and kept secret.