Nicholas King at a gay bar

by neat blue dog 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mikejw

    Is Seth Sikes a belthite?

  • Smiles

    This could be big if King has dirt on HQ brass.

  • TonusOH

    They tend to be lenient with famous/wealthy people. Michael Jackson disassociated himself, if I am not mistaken. Chet Lemon was a major league baseball player who, as far as I know, remained a JW during a 16-year career. Serena and Venus Williams are still JWs, aren't they? I bet they're crushed to learn that door-to-door witnessing will resume in September.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Seth Sikes is definitely not a Bethelite lol, he's a "worldly" friend of Nick's and openly gay, there are other posts of them hanging out. I'm wondering if he is low-key not in good standing anymore because he hasn't been in any videos for a few years now.

  • Smiles

    If King has lost good standing, WT will eventually remove or edit the videos/publications in which King appeared.

  • Mikejw

    King has lost good standing, WT will eventually remove or edit the videos/publications in which King appeared.


    I know they used to do that with pictures in new publications printed without them but how can they replace actors in movies?

  • Mikejw

    I would love to know is King still in Bethel? Surely those pictures have got out now

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    King was never in Bethel, he was just invited there to perform once in a while for projects. He's been in show business full time (mostly night clubs and casinos) for some years now.

    In fact that's true of many of the performers you see in JW music and movies; they're not Bethelites and they do it secularly (a career which is frowned upon in the publications) but they get a pass because they donate their 'skills' for WT projects.

  • smiddy3

    they get a pass because they donate their 'skills' for WT projects.

    And no doubt for how much money they donate to the GB ,oops / organization.

  • joe134cd

    Was this guy married to a PIMI JW. I’m talking married to a FEMALE!!! here.

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