Memorial invite

by JoenB75 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truth_b_known

    It's an elaborate ballet of moronity. - FFGhost

    I was just thinking the same thing! Add to that the speaker walks off the stage, sits down passes the emblems, and then goes back on the stage.

    "Pass the wine to the left...the left...left

    Now take it back..."

  • Gman2001

    Jesus says eat and drink.....WT says no. I'll go with Jesus.

  • wozza

    We still have not got our invitation to the memorial ,since when have the local elders and publishers become Christs judges and condemned us to death ?

  • waton
    since when have the local elders and publishers become Christs judges and condemned us to death ?

    w: you are condemned to death only if you pass on the emblems, without partaking, or do not do it at home.

    read John 6.

    The elders of all categories are in a class by themselves. " I never knew you"

  • waton
    reject the flesh and blood of Jesus by letting it pass by. And why? Because of a whack speculative doctrine about two classes of believers.

    Joen B75 in the OP:

    there is actually nothing wrong with classes of believers, such as the other sheep, which are the gentile Christians. or with the different roles in the congregations.

    what is wrong that some should be excluded from the symbols of life, be it everlasting or immortal.

    like in the Israel of Old as in the Israel of God,

    all are in the covenants, Mosaic or New. , only a few in the class of priests or kings.

    all partook of the life giving food and drink.

    all carried their little stakes.

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