Are you part of the “woke culture”?
Are You “Woke”?
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
I don't believe that someone who is "woke" would know that they are "woke".
Oh they believe they are woke. And if you are not considered woke, there is holy hell to pay!
Ok , I`ll bite whats the yoke ?
Prepare for a rand that goes all over the place. Disclaimer, if you're a lefty looney SJW, bypass my comments.
I believe in equality and fairness. Negative discrimination is NOT on!
However, the 'woke' thing goes beyond that and is now seeking superiority for certain people rather than equality. You see SJWs even turn on themselves because they are not genuine in their efforts. They are attention seeking sheep that believe any leftist BS without fact checking.
As a result of the tail wagging the dog, TV companies are producing awful, unwatchable tv shows and films in an effort to 'virtue signal', 'oooh, look at us, we're morally superior'.Fawn fawn. SJWs can't complain about us, and the police wont be here because we offended some twat.
The 'woke' thing seems to be a conundrum. They appear to be all inclusive and respectful of race etc, but in their strivings they are promoting racial purity without realising how actually Nazi they are.
Equity is the woke byword. Whatever happened to merit?
If I needed surgery, I'd go to the best qualified person, not someone because they claim it's more woke to get someone not qualified because they're a trans disabled Pakistani lesbian feminazi extinction rebellion lefty looney who identifies as a sausage from Venus. If you get my drift.
For TV stations they say, 'get woke, go broke'. Case in point Dr Who or Batwoman. Stories are sacrificed to virtue signal to the lefty over privileged victimhood seekers. What's wrong with the Doctor being a woman? Nothing in and of itself. Then, what's wrong? A female Doctor is being used as a tool by the BBC to virtue signal whilst the stories are boring and unwatchable.
I've probably gone off on a tangent here, but I'm fed up with people playing the victim and pretending they're 'woke' to get attention. Actually, people are all arses wherever they're from.
If you don't like it, be offended. Who cares? Grow up. SJW's are epic failures. SJWs, go glue yourself to a phone booth or something.......
stan livedeath
punk..mate--WTF are you on about ?
Stan - punk..mate--WTF are you on about ?
Young people stuff. I'm totally down with the kids.
stan livedeath
aaah--right ( i think )
Dayum, Punk, you're stream-of-consciousness stuff is pretty good. Better than Russell Brand's anyway.
You've hit the nail right on the head, and from what I know about you and you're background, you're for people being of different backgrounds and being treated fairly.
However, the 'woke' thing goes beyond that and is now seeking superiority for certain people rather than equality - absolutely.
The 'woke' thing seems to be a conundrum - could be.
You see SJWs even turn on themselves because they are not genuine in their efforts - there's some pleasure to be had watching The Left eat itself. But I like to think of it more like a scam. It isn't actually inclusive. 'All groups are welcome' ... but if you're straight, white, male and right-of-centre, then I'm sorry you're beyond the pale and a Nazi - end of.
Actually, people are all arses wherever they're from - exactly. You get good people and bad people from all walks of life and from all ethnicities and sexualities.