What's Your Favourite War Movie???

by dottie 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • sandy

    There is an old war movie called The 5 Sullivan Brothers or something like that. Has anyone heard of it or seen it?

    It was a really great movie about 5 brothers that went off to war and all five died. I don't know if it was a true story or not. I believe it was about WWII but I could be wrong. I only seen it once many many moons ago.

  • Realist

    Paths of Glory

    Released: 1957
    Director: Stanley Kubrick
    Staring: Kirk Douglas

    fantastic movie! shows how much the average soldiers counts and how people are decieved.

    in france it was banned for 20 years or so ....that should encourge a few here to watch it!

  • JeffT

    Saving Private Ryan, and Enemy at the Gates are both very realistic, and with good stories.

    Sandy "The Fighting Sullivans" is a true story (more or less). The five brothers were killed at the Battle of Guadalcanal when the USS Juneau sank. After that the Navy adopted a policy of not putting two members of the same family on one ship.

  • sandy

    Thanks JeffT. I always wanted to find this movie.

  • cruzanheart

    "What If They Gave A War And Nobody Came?"

    "Star Wars"

    "The Great Escape"

    "Stalag 17"


  • ThiChi

    Battle for the Planet of the Apes.....

  • Bendrr

    Saving Private Ryan.

    Behind Enemy Lines.

    Enemy at the Gates (based on a true story, or so I heard on the History Channel).

    But at this point in time I have to go with.....

    RAMBO III !!!!


  • LyinEyes


    Saving Private Ryan

    We Were Soliders( Mel Gibson)

    Hamburger Hill

    Black Hawk Down

  • VeniceIT
    Enemy At The Gates, about the epic battle for Stalingrad.

    I really enjoyed that movie, the same character is in Tom Clancys 'The Bear and the Dragon' as an old old man hehe I was watching the movie and was thinking wait I min I know him heheh.

    Exodus, great movie (Paul Newman) and great book.

    Black Hawk Down (Josh Harntett)

    Pearl Harbor (for the scenery of Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett)

    Rules of Engagement

    A Bridge Too Far (my grandfather was in the next set of troops after this one one after the bridge went down, he loved this movie, he was right there.)


    Mrs Miniver

    I'll think of more I'm sure........


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Saving Private Ryan

    Tora Tora Tora

    All Quiet on the Western Front

    Friendly Persuasion


    The Manchurian Candidate (best Cold War movie)

    Dr. Zhivago

    Dr. Strangelove

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