I think you have misunderstood all those points. Its like if you say sun rises in the morning and you actually believe its the sun that rises, when in fact its the earth that turns.
Jesus' instruction for the witnessing work in Luke 24
by Kosonen 12 Replies latest jw friends
Why were the disciples told to preach the kingdom of God is near when over 2000 years later it still hasn't arrived?
@EasyPrompt: The role of the UN in Revelation...
I think that Jesus may come at this time, when there is a UN, but he may still come 200 years from now, where the UN is just a few lines in the history books... (the question is what the education system will be like in 200 years and if any textbooks will be needed... ✌️😎).
One of the many(!) problems with concretizing (materializing) Revelation, looking for a government, country, ruler, or political/religious system and equating it with events or beings in Revelation, is that Jesus could have come in the 5th or 13th or 18th century. If I associate the coming of Jesus with 1844 or 1914 or the existence of the UN, then I am excluding all other generations from salvation. Jesus could not have come in the 5th century because there was no 1844 or 1914 or there was no UN.
No matter how good or bad the Christians were in the 5th or 13th century, and everything pointed to the second coming of Christ, it meant nothing because there was no UN or 1914... that is a big mistake in my opinion.
All generations of Christians have had, have and will have an equal chance of the coming of Christ. Obviously one, the last one, will be lucky to experience it, but the equality of chances is guaranteed by the statement of Christ: of that hour and day, no one knows but the Father. Therefore, no year 1844, 1914, or the UN, can be "superior" to the fact that only the Father knows. We know that we know nothing.