Would it be better to have a halt to war topics ?

by Simon 49 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Buster

    Simon, let me toss in an point: I have had no difficulty avoiding the war topics - all of them.

    I get my war news, lots of it, from the cable news networks, and I haven't opened even one war-related topic here. Is that pro- or anti-war-topic? I don't know.


    Simon: time to pull out the Quiet Riot record, and play "Mental Health" over and over.

    I can see it now, as you have tried to explain yourself quite clearly on numerous occasions your stand on all things re: war thread/topics.

    This is what I have seen. Both sides:

    Agree to disagree?

    That's what I've seen. My observation.

    Hands Simon a cold compress (for his aching head).

  • Simon

    ha ha ... that reminds me of the old game "Battling Robots" (I think it was) - you had two, red and blue and when you connected with the chin their head shot up.

    We weren't allowed them (not christian ) but my friend had one.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    No Way! I absolutely think the War threads should be able to continue. It is relevant because as a JW we were not allowed to discuss governmental issue. We were told to remain neutral with no opinion. We are finally allowed to express our stand either pro or con.

    Chevy of 'make love not war' class

  • mouthy

    Because it has caused so much tension,,,,& the guys at Brooklyn loves to see us disagree-I just avoid the threads about the war. I have lost Canadian & American friends because of it....After being in bondage for so long- I realize I HAVE an opinion -but it isnt healthy to express it -So I keep it to myself now-I went through this in 1944> Us!! English & those> Germans were HATING each other.Killing,etc now??? All is forgotton-I live in a German town( mostly) it used to be called Berlin Ontario.Now it is called Kitchener--there is fight going on to bring it back to Berlin-( by the German residents) because they say Lord Kitchener--who it was now named after was an adulterer,,,,,So What else is new...? Lets do as Razor says. Agree to disagree .Simon it is your board do what you think is right......As for you being the one to make the rules.Why not. ??? If I run the board I would have it the way I want-if you dont like it leave.....Simple as that.....you asked for my 2 cents & I gave it....

  • dubla
    Pro-war people have accused anti-war people of wanting to see children tortured and women raped.

    i keep seeing this argument tossed around, but i havent seen it. does anyone have a link to these slanderous statements? was it just an isolated incident/poster, or have the prowar masses been making these accusations, as it is being made to sound here?


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    I agree with you 100%! If one cannot engage in mutually beneficial interchange of information, trading viewpoints, exchanging evidence, discussing opinions and do it all under a calm, courteous and mature setting, using tact, reason and common sense, then it is futile to continue. I am not always available, but like a submarine (using an old reference from elders to describe people who only surface at the memorial every year), I have a point to make and desire to share something I think is useful and provocative.

    Yesterday's discussions were heading in a negative direction. I hope I did not contribute, if I was blind in the heat of it all, I offer my sincerest apologies to all, including my opponent, ThiChi. It is a difficult task to allow and accept disagreement when you believe you are right.

  • Simon
    I keep seeing this argument tossed around, but i havent seen it. does anyone have a link to these slanderous statements? was it just an isolated incident/poster, or have the prowar masses been making these accusations, as it is being made to sound here?

    There have been several times that people have used the cheap-shot / weak argument claiming that because someone is against the war thenthey are automatically "for" and advocating everything that Saddam does.

    So, people are called "saddam lovers" or told that by opposing the war they condone the torture of children etc ...

    I'll find some links later if you really nead them. Is suspect you already know the topics (or at least the kind of topics) that I'm referring to.

    Incidentally, I think that the equivalent, which is just as bad, is wrguing that anyone who is in support of the war is a bloodthirsty killer / murderer etc...

    Just straw-man arguments and mis-representations on both sides.

  • dubla


    well, i know of this link:


    and i just assumed thats the one you were referring to everytime you made this statement about advocating child torture and rape. i couldnt find anywhere in that thread where any poster said this, but as i pointed out, it seems like the antiwar posters simply refuse to agree that good will come of this war. i think that accusation is made often, and can be backed pretty firmly. if i accuse someone of not accepting/agreeing that a lot of good will come out of this war, am i accusing that person of being pro-torture? i have seen quite a few "pro-saddam" accusations, and if thats what youre referring to every time you bring up the "child-torture and rape" statements, then i know exactly what you mean.


  • Simon
    The bottom line is that by opposing the only feasible method of removing Hussein's regime, the anti-war crowd are passively supporting the continued torture and murder of children.

    (I notice you'd already commented on this very topic on that thread.)

    BTW: I do not believe that "no good" can come of this war - I'm sure there are people, for instance, that would be better off 'removed'. It will be a good job if we can kill the killers without killing more victims while we do it.

    However, I still believe that the real reasons for it are being massively misrepresented (ie. that those in power don't give two hoots about the poor people suffering) and that all the promised wonderful good that is being claimed will fail to materialise. Also, while some good may be done, there is a massive potential for an incredible amount of harm, not least of which is serious damage to the USA in image, military power and the economy.

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