I have a few thoughts here.
Reading the posts that end up as flamed, I see a trend.
Some people seem to have a similar mindset to each other, no matter which ‘side’ they are on, it goes something like this…
1, I have an opinion and will defend it to the death.
2, I will state my opinion over and over.
3, I will not listen to, or read anything that dis-agrees with my opinion because it is a lie.
4, Anyone who disagrees with my opinion is a liar, misguided, blind etc.
5, Excessive disagreement with my opinion will get the one disagreeing called names and insulted.
6, My ‘side’ is always right, on everything.
7, Your 'side' is always wrong, on everything.
8, I can ‘prove’ my ‘side’ is right.
9, Any proofs that you offer to show your ‘side’ is right will be dismissed out of hand.
10, I will only listen to what you say if I can turn part of it into ‘proofs’ for my ‘side’.
11, Anything you say that I cannot refute will be ignored.
12, Because I believe what I believe, then it is true and always will be.
I have seen that there is at least one organisation in the world that teaches its followers to behave in this way, and I wonder if people are following those teachings, or if they have that sort of mind anyway, or maybe a combination of both.
It makes me sad that people cannot move away from the black/white thought process and grow into balanced human beings.
Fortunately, there are only a few who act this way, so I believe there is hope.
In hope