The GB has been hiding their shit for a long time but finally it has hit the fan and it is all over them.
by Brokeback Watchtower 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The GB has been hiding their shit for a long time but finally it has hit the fan and it is all over them.
Has The Shit Finally Hit The Fan For The Governing Body Liars? - I don't know, but I hope so.
I'd also like to see a pissed-off JW that has discovered TTATT punch a GB member. That would be a case of 'the fan hitting the shit'
BROKEBACK- Yes indeed, I agree with you. WT leaders are standing in deep poo-poo.
WE need to spread the $hit all over the place and let rank & file JW's know that they have $hit all over them as well - they just don't realize it and can't smell it. I intend to chat with JW cart people again in my area very soon
Has The Shit Finally Hit The Fan For The Governing Body Liars?
Yes, but the members-jdubs- will lick the shit all up, and keep the GB sparkling clean.
Has the shit finally hit the fan?
Yes. But the GB are denying that it's shit. They're saying it's chocolate rained down from heaven as a blessing from Jehovah. And most JWs believe it because pride and indoctrination prevents them from admitting to themselves that it's actually shit. And even if they do admit to themselves that it's shit they don't dare voice that opinion the hearing of other JWs because they know all who complain about smelling shit get accused of being ungrateful, disloyal, murmurers on their way to apostasy. So everyone praises the GB's new choco-shit rained down as blessings from Jehovah.
The RC in Milwaukee tried the we are broke game and still had to pay out this year.
Blondie, I doubt it would work in the JW case. No judges or governmental authorities will believe that Watchtower is just a network of flat broke congregations. I am hesitant to even believe that's what this is about, but then I remember what kind of geniuses are running Watchtower. I mean, coming up with "overlapping generation" was utter nonsense, so it just might be similar.
No one thought this would work in Milwaukee either, not the RC anyway. But SNAP kept it up, their members have put time and money and effort and feeling into it and years later success. They set precedents that can be used against other religions and for people hurt by the WTS. Zalkin has not be scared away from taking WT abuse cases. SNAP's first success came in 2002 in Boston. A movie is coming out this fall SPOTLIGHT, that reviews what happened.
I know of many ex-jws who have sacrificed time, money, feeling for the abuse situation in the WTS. But I have also seen who have helped SNAP, made sacrifices for years. The abuse in the WTS has to be more than reading material from people on JWN...what can we actually do...get the laws regarding reporting stronger in our states, give victims more time to bring legal proceedings against the abusers, keep it in the news, work with existing survivor groups in our area, and things that slip my mind now.
So if we do nothing but only read about it and don't do anything practical, nothing will be done, by us personally anyway. There are ex-jws working hard, can we join them as a group?
If anyone thinks that sexual abuse in a religious setting is only to be a tool to bring down the WTS, forgets all the religious groups still out there molesting, including the RC. jws are vulnerable to all pedophiles out there, not just jw ones. The problem is child abuse in ever setting.
PS those who don't read my posts past or present, I was abused and all my siblings in a jw setting. I fought the elders, CO, DO, and NY representative and won. The secular laws did not give me many choices at that time, but it did open the eyes of the DA's office and law enforcement agencies. I was never df'd, I was not removed as a regular pioneer, and my molester was reproved...losing all his privileges. This is not a sprint folks, it is a long haul.
This is dedicated to all who hope to see some justice for these clown called the Governing Body for what they did to so many by their corrupt judicial system: