Michael Moore mad a fool out of himself when he trashed the President. I loved it when the audience starting booing him. I'ts like these celebrities are cutting off their noses to despite their faces. Don't they understand that their meaningless careers are on the line everytime they open their mouths?
by LuckyLucy 32 Replies latest social current
So, are you luckylucy or rubytuesday today?
I thought it was cool he took the stand he did. And no, the whole audience didn't boo him. I think it's great when people speak their minds without worrying about being 'popular'. He has the right attitude: if people want to work with him, it should be about his skill and not his political stances.
I think it was cool and gutsy too
When everyone starts thinking the same and agreeing all the time and people are afraid to express an opinion contrary to "the masses" then there is a danger you may one day wake up in Nazi Germany
Moore had the right to make himself look the fool or not. I honestly don't care. But there can be a backlash from doing such things. For example Richard Gere certainly deserved a nomination for his work in Hours but he didn't get it. Inside word in Hollywood is that the oscar people are sick and tired of his turning every platform into a polictal speech. So he got left off.
No I didn't see Hours, just read about it. That's a chick flick. I'm a guy.
Victorian sky
I admire people who dare to say out loud what other people think. I agree with Moore but I thought Adrien Brodey was sincere and his plea for peace far more effective than the blunt approach. (I loved how he didn't even hesitate when he kissed Halle Berry, what a man!) And the great thing about living in a democracy is freedom of speech, I'm worried about the troops over there and the loss of innocent life on both sides, like Brodey said, let's pray for a quick resolution -Victorian Sky
I had heard they were concerned about what Susan Sarandon (a well known peace activist) was going to do, but she behaved. She flashed the Peace sign, but didn't say anything.
I thought Michael Moore was pretty gutsy, and there were lots in the audience laughing and clapping for him. You heard the boo's, but there were probably just as many who agreed with him.
Michael Moore is an incredible and unique American.
Love him/Hate him, he loves his country despite what people think.
He will be always welcome at my dinner table.
If you haven't seen "Bowling For Columbine" go check it out, it's great!
Michael Moore is an incredible and unique American. Love him/Hate him, he loves his country despite what people think.
I couldn't agree more Rayzor! I really miss his television show.
When everyone starts thinking the same and agreeing all the time and people are afraid to express an opinion contrary to "the masses" then there is a danger you may one day wake up in Nazi Germany
or iraq.