Well guess what! They are using whiteboard animations!😳
We used to say if they dumb it down any more they will have to draw pictures.....
by nowwhat? 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I dunno, those whiteboard animations are the closest thing to "entertaining" that they produce.
How's that for "damning with faint praise"?
What about the cartoons?
What about the cartoons?
Boring. Too preachy. Too idealized.
I still, even after years, can't figure out what kind of accent Caleb's father has. Kind of sounds like an American pretending to be a Cuban who is trying to imitate Bela Lugosi.
Any links to the white board cartoons?
The die hard brother who got me into this sh!t would roll over in his grave if he saw the trooth now.
The die hard brother who got me into this sh!t would roll over in his grave if he saw the trooth now.
Overrated, I would absolutely love to see how the diehard old-timers who were largely responsible for my coming in would react to what the religion is now. First, they would be shocked that "this system" is still here in the 2020's. Then, if they didn't have a heart attack from that, they would have extreme vasovagal syncope from seeing what the religion is now.
I would absolutely love to see how the diehard old-timers who were largely responsible for my coming in would react to what the religion is now.
Ive mentioned, probably too many times here, what my mother said in her final lucid months about Da Troof.
She emphatically stated, "If Jehovah's Witnesses were when I got baptized, what they are today, I NEVER would have become one!"
And in his final months before dying, ignored by the entire congregation he once did his best to genuinely shepherd as an elder, my father said, "Today's Jehovah's Witness has "love" on their lips, but not none in their hearts!"
JW GoneBad
The long-dead old-timers' reaction to what is going on today in JW land:
"No...wait...whaaaat! You're telling me Jehovah’s Witnesses now use a Toolbox instead of Magazine bags when preaching door to door? And they now use cartoon characters (Caleb & Sophia, etc) in their demonstrations? And they've replaced God's hard bound Bible with electronic devices and our beloved Kingdom Halls are now becoming Churches...I don't believe it...never!"
Believe it!!!