Do You Hope Donald Trump Makes Jestures Of Mending USA With Russia Relationships?

by Brokeback Watchtower 22 Replies latest social current

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I think the problems the US and Russia face are mainly ideological. The cold war these two countries have been in needs to be stopped and common sense needs to be applied I hope Trump can push thing in the right direction and that he has good advisors.

    I'm all for these two major world military powers to put away their differences and find way to work together on common problems they face.

    They need to cooperate with each other even in their cyber warfare. Technology shared and work together I'm sure there must be away of these two ideologies to work together.

  • the comet
    the comet

    How do you propose the US cooperate with Russia in their cyber warfare against the US? Since I'm not naive, the question could be flipped as well, how would Russia cooperate with the US in their cyber warfare against Russia? Trump has proposed a joint team, whatever that means.


    Russia helping Trump.

    With Russian cyber attacks against the USA, is friggin Brilliant!


    "I Help All You Poor Americans Out."

    "Hey, I`m a Nice Guy!"

    Image result for fox guarding the hen house

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I take the spy game between the two to keep playing out as a form of national security,, but see them working together to combat some of these common threats by radical elements as technology increases.

    For this they need a little more mutual understanding of each other so they can come to more productive agreements. Governments all have basic needs and to understand these needs for the two governments call on them to be rational with each other and a recognition that we are all humans with the same good and bad or not so good traits. Russians aren't all bad and neither are Americans, we are human and our governments want the same basic things but have different ideologies to attain it. But woefully mistrust abounds I hope that ends in the near future.

  • stillin

    Then there's this little thing called trust.

  • waton

    Russia/ USA have many common, but also opposing goals. Trump is for supporting Nato/ Poland Baltics, against further Crimea type crimes, but is with Russia/ Poland, Hungary, Austria to stop encroachment by foreign ideologies, civilisations, cultures coming from invaders, migrants, militants.

    Putin is in line with Trump to maintaining the existing identity of distinct civilisations, whether that is right or not. it is definitely not "left".

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Hang something shiny in front of Trump and tell him he is brilliant and he will hand you the nuclear codes. Putin is a dictator, Trump is a wanna be oligarch. I don't trust either of them.

    Vlad: "You are the most smartest man in the whole United States, no? You want stay in hotel? I send girls again you like. You are smartest of businessmen we make deal, yes?"

    Trump: "Only if you promise not to record it."

    Vlad: "Trust me Donald my friend."

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  • slimboyfat

    If he succeeds simply in not bringing about the end of civilisation I'll settle for that.

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  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Too funny!

    Vlad: "You are the most smartest man in the whole United States, no? You want stay in hotel? I send girls again you like. You are smartest of businessmen we make deal, yes?"
    Trump: "Only if you promise not to record it."
    Vlad: "Trust me Donald my friend."

    I can almost hear the Russian accent.

  • Jehalapeno

    Bill Clinton is a Rapist. CNN is ISIS. #MAGA

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