All It Takes Is ONE!
by John Aquila 15 Replies latest jw friends
Aprostate Exam
Amazing you thought about this, and I've had feelings that one day someone would mentally break down and head to N.Y. , Nice scenario John, we loved it. Sad to think that people could loose it because of these bastard GB. -
Obsessive compulsive thread starting attention whore syndrome -
I've said this before. If I had lost my son due to his leukemia diagnosis need for blood and found out what I now know after.
Theres a saying "hell hath no fury as a mother's wrath." I'm not a mother but I am a parent. I would have taken as many of the leaders out and then myself. I called under a pseudonym and told service desk at Brooklyn that.
@ Aprostate Exam...
Well, I think that by 2017, they'll be a little easier to find (if they haven't skipped the country)...
I have zero sympathy for them. While my brother was serving his three year sentence for being a religious objector, he and his South African Bethel pals all thought it prudent to share their thoughts on my sister's promiscuity (she was raped) with their friends and family back home. When my mom took me to visit my brother while he was helping the building at the new Roodekrans Bethel, my brother, his friends and my mom couldn't wait to all huddle together and share how disappointed they all were with my sister. All his Bethelite friends were more than eager to smear her name at all the assemblies, too.
I bet you the vast majority of these "poor Bethelites" completely support the cruel practice of shunning. If shunning is ok by them, then them being thrust into the real world where they can be ridiculed and scrounge for a living is ok by me. Just like they believe DFd people get what they deserve for not being faitful to the GB, they got what they deserved for BEING faithful to the GB. Screw their self righteous asses. If they happen to have kids, then those are the only ones that get my sympathy.
I know of many couples around my JW mom's age (72) that are childless and worked stupid non-career jobs to "do more" in the Org. One in particular just lost her husband (who spent time in prison as a conscientious objector in the U.S. because of the JWs) after a surgery that at first seemed fine but then died a couple of days later, right after the Memorial. They had already been forced to move from their tiny house (rent or owned? dunno) because of poor health, but at least they had their cats at the house. When they moved into subsidized senior housing, the deposit and increased rent for even one of the cats was too much. They had to give away those they could and put down (i.e., kill) the older/sicker ones.
Now she has no cats, no husband, limited income, and a decreasing number of friends still in the Witnesses. Many have died, moved away, or even just left. Just sad. I wonder what happens to my JW mom when her non-JW husband (my stepfather, whose health is poor) dies? Hope her non-JW husband was smart enough to sock money away, because my mom has none.
Personal responsibility I agree. But when one is outright lied to by others (elders, GB, allegedly God) one trusts, some of that responsibility is shifted to the liars. But only the one lied to is left holding the bag, not the liars.
Snakes (Rich)