Last week I attended the circuit assembly in Wisconsin. A couple of things to note: There was'nt much mention of the" Faithful Slave" in the talks. This surprised me. Everything was Jehovah this, Jehovah that. I'm sure that the inference is that to please Jehovah you have to listen to whatever the faithful slave says, and by not doing so you are "detestable to Jah. But still, I was surprised the slave was'nt mentioned directly very often. I especially enjoyed the discourse by the new District overseer Wells, when he likened dating a "worldly" person to kissing a dead man in the morgue. 'Would you dear sisters go to a morgue and ask the person there if it would be okay to unwrap one of the decaying dead bodies you have here and let me kiss him?' Then people gleefully laughed, in their self righteous smugness...How cute. You know everybody that the WORST person in the truth is better than the BEST person in the world. Mother Theresa is a piece of dead, decaying, dog crap compared to the pedophilic elder rubbing his wiener on a twelve year old. Oh by the way...the end is just around the corner. The world is rife with badness. Religion is a snare and a racket, and elders are still giving young children their.. 'Meat in due season" ...if you know what I mean.
My take on the circuit assembly.
by integ 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Glad I could miss out on that one!
The last Circuit assembly I attended, the D.O. was railing against the spiritistic and demonic entertainment so popular in this "old world."
Top on his list was "Lord of the Rings." ...."filled with demonic images." he said.
A close second was "Harry Potter" a favorite target for fundamentalist parents.
Three cheers for Hogwarts
Hey integ, did the CO compare the rank and file to elephants instead of sheep and talk about the dirty penny and the bright shiny quarter? Wells also said that JWs had too many gray areas in their lives, the more the gray areas the less the gray matter.
Blondie (who heard the corpse statement and frew up)
Yes, I remember that now. He said both those things. Did you have Wells at one time?
I have only been to a couple of assemblies, and it was a while ago. I brought lots of reading material *yawn*. Good thing I am anonymous. Only one fella frightened me, probably because he was only in his twenties, and therefore represents the future of the WTS. While a lot of the old fellas (who survived the seventies) spent most of their time mildly and quietly excusing the FDS's failings, this young firebrand spat out venom and venegance about the evil "world". Stirring up the crowd to action. Man. Don't ever give that boy a gun.
Yes, integ, I have had the joy er pain of listening to Wells. I watched an older couple in their 80's when he said the corpse comment. The husband is not a JW but the wife is and she married him "out of the truth" years ago. He got up and went out and sat in the car for the rest of the session. I wonder how many other such couples were in the audience?
I know that this assembly is what sickened Blondie, so much. Please tell us more about this awful assembly. I didn't go.
: I especially enjoyed the discourse by the new District overseer Wells, when he likened dating a "worldly" person to kissing a dead man in the morgue.
Of course, this kind of stuff is what the Watchtower uses all the time. When one breaks it down to its components, one can see it for what it is:
: dating a "worldly" person to kissing a dead man in the morgue.
This analogy is designed to shock, not inform. Just like many WTS pictures are designed to shock, not inform. (You've all seen the pictures of lightning coming from heaven blowing away the US Capitol, the UN building, the World Trade Center (ooops. Someone beat Watchtower God to the punch on that one!), etc.
This is not information or facts, this is propaganda. This is War propaganda at its finest, and the WTS has declared War on everyone who disagrees with them.
The WTS has painted all "wordly people", i.e. non-dubs as "corpses in a morgue." In doing so, they have not given a shred of evidence to justify that disgusting statement, other than to imply, "if they are not US, they MUST be THAT way."
These colorful statements are typical of a religious organization in desperation to try to justify their existence, and hope that enough people are stupid enough to continue to support them and their lies and hate.
Dubbies: do you want to continue to support this crap and let them benefit from your contribution, while you waste your lives selling their worthless books?
I try to be a peace loving non-judgemental person, in the spirit of a, lets say...Deppak Chopra or something, but these witnesses are not making the transition very easy. I sit at the assembly and wonder.....".What the hell are these idiots thinking"? I just wanna get up and slap the smug, manipulating, lying, controlling jack asses that are on the podium and say: " Who the hell are YOU to tell ME how to live my LIFE?" And everyone elses..I'm just as "annointed" as those shisters in Brooklyn. Then my feelings start to almost segue to pity for these poor bastards. Because if there IS a judgement day, they are going DOWN. What a loving assembly, I feel so spiritually refreshed.
Farkel, I just read your comments to my wife, (she didn't have her glasses on), and if I must say, you hit it, right on target! This is quite interesting since my daughter has been outed for not only going out with a worldly guy but also being engaged to him....This will be very interesting. Of corpse, it will!